my time has come to an end

i really don't remember doing that. I think what happend and what I do recall is that we used to have a previous feature to the thanks/groans called rep points. you could pos rep or neg rep someone. People that had more rep points could give you more rep points by "repping" you. people with lower scores wouldn't boost you as much. Now when we originally had this we didn't really take it seriously and we saw it as a fun thing to dick around with. Or at least that's how I perceived it. Then I decided I would give watermark 2 billion rep points. So when he thanked people they would get like 100,000 internet points or something. or go way into the red. Then I think I started giving other people 2 billion rep points, and pretty soon the entire rep point economy become inflated and it crashed and burned. Then we got the thanks/groans system that we have today.
i really don't remember doing that. I think what happend and what I do recall is that we used to have a previous feature to the thanks/groans called rep points. you could pos rep or neg rep someone. People that had more rep points could give you more rep points by "repping" you. people with lower scores wouldn't boost you as much. Now when we originally had this we didn't really take it seriously and we saw it as a fun thing to dick around with. Or at least that's how I perceived it. Then I decided I would give watermark 2 billion rep points. So when he thanked people they would get like 100,000 internet points or something. or go way into the red. Then I think I started giving other people 2 billion rep points, and pretty soon the entire rep point economy become inflated and it crashed and burned. Then we got the thanks/groans system that we have today.


And the thank/groan system is working so well!