My wife just bought me a new wood pellet grill...

I made turducken...


I have to start somewhere I guess. I had an upright smoker before, it didn't have enough oomph to cook a whole turkey, though it fit in the box. I had to finish it in the oven (it was still danged delicious)..

I have one of those, but I was taught on a sideways, and I never got the upright thing. I got the hang of mine, and hoo-wee! It produces some good stuff!
I use a 3-finger thermometer on the meat side.
Hopefully you can use real wood in what your wife got you.
Screw pellets. Real Wood.
Whatever you do, if you ever decide to deep-fry a turkey (and it is delicious), place the fryer out-o-doors, well away from anything flammable.

Don't ask me how I know this is good advice.

So you're the guy on Youtube burning down his garage? Nice.
Holy Shit. Does it matter what she's trying to say? A grill like that is awesome. Kudos to the wife!

Why does it look so propane-ish? It might even work with real wood...idk. Believe me..this "pellet" stuff is new to me.

I Sgt Schultz it on that..because wtf? Now you gotta buy something that not charcoal, but it's wood you gotta arrange like dominoes and blah!

HRmm..I know how to make a fire. The End.

LMAO! I can just see the cut-propane-tank grill BBQers in the family hearing about this pellet stuff and looking confused.

Cooking for 100+ people using real wood.
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Why does it look so propane-ish? It might even work with real wood...idk. Believe me..this "pellet" stuff is new to me.

I Sgt Schultz it on that..because wtf? Now you gotta buy something that not charcoal, but it's wood you gotta arrange like dominoes and blah!

HRmm..I know how to make a fire. The End.

LMAO! I can just see the cut-propane-tank grill BBQers in the family hearing about this pellet stuff and looking confused.

Cooking for 100+ people using real wood.
Wood pellets are new to me. BBQ'ing and Grillin' are two different things. I've mostly grilled but will be welding a custom Smoker (with trailer) out of a 40 gallon water heater tank this winter.
Wood pellets are new to me. BBQ'ing and Grillin' are two different things. I've mostly grilled but will be welding a custom Smoker (with trailer) out of a 40 gallon water heater tank this winter.

Wood pellets may be something you never see at that rate.
It may be raining right now, but my smoking wood is up under the overhang, and will be dry in the AM when I get down to business.
I have enough for 2-3 smokin's. Muhuhahhahaahh!
That was lame even by your standard, Tom.

It's just after 9am here, haven't even had breakfast yet. I can't help thinking that this American obsession with wood smoking will not bode well in years to come, cancer wise. Saying that I am partial to an Arbroath smokie though, can even get them over here, food of the gods.
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