N Korea May Have Conducted A Neclear Test: Thanks G. "W" For Trashing The NNP Treaty

and your allies are....micronesia and palau? good for you.

Iran is certainly not an allie of the democratic party...it is just one of many countries who think we have lost our way.
At least the Democrats are getting support from their allies...you must be very proud,...I'm happy for you all....

Iran Blames U.S. for N. Korea Nuke Test

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iranian state radio Monday blamed North Korea's reported nuclear test on U.S. pressure, accusing Washington of "humiliating" the impoverished communist country.

"Not only did the United States not lift the sanctions it had imposed on North Korea, it even increased the diplomatic pressure. Such pressure finally led North Korea to conduct its nuclear test," Iranian state radio said in a commentary.

"North Korea's nuclear test was a reaction to America's threats and humiliation," it said.

I'm an ally of common sense and diplomacy whenever and wherever possible.

I am not an ally of blowing up the entire world.

You people are truly insane. Out of your minds, bugfuck nuts.

Holding on to some small refuge of your pitiful little manhoods by playing the tough guys from your bedroom computers, and sadly, while in the voting booth.

And the world lives with the result of this stunted stupidity. Lives that is, for now at least.
I'm an ally of common sense and diplomacy whenever and wherever possible.

I am not an ally of blowing up the entire world.

You people are truly insane. Out of your minds, bugfuck nuts.

Holding on to some small refuge of your pitiful little manhoods by playing the tough guys from your bedroom computers, and sadly, while in the voting booth.

And the world lives with the result of this stunted stupidity. Lives that is, for now at least.
I'm for blowing up the entire world am I?

Name an instance where diplomacy worked on a tyrant? Remember that Saddam had 12 years of sanctions and multiple UN dealings.

I DID support the Iraq war because our intel said that Saddam had WMD and I used my own common sense to support that in thinking he likely did because he had kicked out weapons inspectors.
Just like many prominent Dems (in that list that pisses you off sooooo bad) thought as well that Saddam had WMD's, many of them saying so from 1998 - 2 years before Bush was prez.

The problem is your delusional fantasy wishing Duhla - a mistake (and yes it was a mistake, I can always admit that) over WMD somehow translates into your wildest fantasies of allowing the substitution of any theory, no matter how wild and desirable, on why we invaded Iraq, including:
- Bush hates brown people
- Bush wants to destroy the world
- Bush wants to get the A-rabs
- Bush wants oil
- Bush wants an empire

And so on.
YOU use ZERO common sense, you let your emotions attach themselves to fantasy before your mind can ever have the slightest chance of attaching itself to facts.
The sad part is that so many of you even vote...but I'll say this for Liberals, the greatest thing about them is their appalingly low birth rate. Try and remember that when you go to the latte shop with boyfriend in tow and snivel about rednecks, little kids learning to shoot with their Dads or NASCAR lovers or whatever piece of blue collar America that you want to take care of with government goodies galore and are outraged when they somehow dare to exercise their own power and mind and tell you to fuck off with their vote.
I'm for blowing up the entire world am I? People who insist on talking only with their friends, while trash talking their "enemies" leave what other choice but eventual war?
Name an instance where diplomacy worked on a tyrant? Remember that Saddam had 12 years of sanctions and multiple UN dealings. Yes, otherwise known as "containment" which as we now know, was working.

I DID support the Iraq war because our intel said that Saddam had WMD and I used my own common sense to support that in thinking he likely did because he had kicked out weapons inspectors. Stop spreading the right wing lie that Saddam kicked out the weapons inspectors. He never did any such thing. Not in the run up to the maniacs invasion, nor in 1998, when Clinton bombed them. The inspectors were recalled by US, and you are repeating right wing lies that have long been shown to be such.Just like many prominent Dems (in that list that pisses you off sooooo bad) I didn't even read your "list" so it's hard to imagine how I would be "pissed off about it. But if it makes you feel good to believe so. thought as well that Saddam had WMD's, many of them saying so from 1998 - 2 years before Bush was prez. Yes, and this did not happen of course, in a vacuum. Pressure, along with the infamous "signed letter" (signed by people like Wolfowitz, Feith, and Cheney) lobbied hard for this. Many were fooled, and yet, there was no plan for an invasion. Regime change was our policy, to be brought about by inside pressures (hoping for eventual revolution) which we hoped to influence. Not quite as costy a mistake as a war that killed tens of thousands of people. But perspective? Not a con trait.

The problem is your delusional fantasy wishing Duhla - a mistake (and yes it was a mistake, I can always admit that) That's fabulous for you Dano. Three cheers, and I'm sure the dead really appreciate you "admittance". over WMD somehow translates into your wildest fantasies of allowing the substitution of any theory, no matter how wild and desirable, on why we invaded Iraq, including:
- Bush hates brown people I think Bush thinks the same of brown people that he thinks of anyone who isn't in his little club. Not much.-

-Bush wants to destroy the world. Whether or not he wants to is irrelevent. The consequences of his actions, or inactions, are all that matter.
- Bush wants to get the A-rabs He wants to "democratize" them at any cost.
- Bush wants oil Oil and empire certainly play into above desire, but motives are murky, complex, and multiple.- Bush wants an empire

And so on.
YOU use ZERO common sense, you let your emotions attach themselves to fantasy before your mind can ever have the slightest chance of attaching itself to facts. Simply because I dispute your facts, does not mean I don't pay attention to facts, it simply means I reconize right wing rhetoric when I smell it. The sad part is that so many of you even vote...but I'll say this for Liberals, the greatest thing about them is their appalingly low birth rate. Try and remember that when you go to the latte shop with boyfriend in tow and snivel about rednecks, little kids learning to shoot with their Dads or NASCAR lovers or whatever piece of blue collar America that you want to take care of with government goodies galore and are outraged when they somehow dare to exercise their own power and mind and tell you to fuck off with their vote. When I'm at a coffe shop with my boyfriend you and your ilk are the last thing on my mind, or my list of conversational points, idiot. And don't you be too outraged when the voters tell you and the rest of you sniveling "it wasn't me it was himmmmmm" cowards to fuck off next month Dano.
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