*smiling ear to ear and partly sad*
Yea, price gouging doesn't happen. Lawyers/Lawsuits don't drive up prices. It's only old people who drive up the cost...
Why does my daughters physical therapy bench cost $167 when I could make it for $25, to cover the possibility of lawsuits. You don't think it costs big corp money when lawyers cause large scale recalls of a product? You haven't noticed terrible recalls such as "Bumbo seats were recalled because a parent could set them on the edge of a high standing table and they could tip it over". I'm in a recall right now of a high chair which was recalled because "if it's not put together properly" Wood swing sets are getting recalled because "over time the wood can rot due to weather".
You saying "it's mighty white" is a clear indicator you are racist. You can't read, obviously, I don't support the Obama spending. You just hate someone that recognizes he isn't as bad of a president as Bush because you are clearly racist.
Maybe you should go back and read the thread. You are embarassing yourself with this post. You must be drinking or high..
Oh yes, I am aware the cost of malpractice insurance, the cost of litigation and lack of TORT reforms, contribute to the high costs, it's not just the indigent care, it's not just the old people, it's everything that can impact the price consumers pay. What it's NOT, is "price gouging" because there is too much competition and regulation, for that to be the case. We don't have monopolies who can exploit the need for their product, we passed laws to do away with those years ago. Every regulatory burden we place on the health care industry, has an impact on final cost to the consumer, there is no magic fairy who takes care of this.
Thanks to Obama and his health care plan, we will now have to pay these costs AND pay for the insurance to cover people who can't afford it, AND those who are already sick. Naturally, just like all other capitalist enterprise, these costs will be realized by the paying consumers. Our insurance premiums (if we can find them) are going to start going through the roof. Simple-minded pimple-faces like you, who've bought into the "1% price gougers" rhetoric, will scream and moan, but the bottom line is, someone has to pay for this stuff, it is never FREE! The next step will be to try and "force" hospitals and doctors into providing their services as lower costs, but since they can't do that and still maintain a reasonable profit, they will go out of business. Eventually, the Socialist Marxist government has to step in and TELL people they are going to become doctors and nurses, because that's what society needs, and they no longer have the freedom to make those choices on their own. We continue to piss away our freedom and liberty, for the sake of an all-powerful federal government who we believe is able to take care of all our needs. What this line of thinking has generally resulted in throughout history, is millions of dead bodies in mass graves.
Don't make presumptions about me, you know nothing about my personal life. "It's mighty white of you" is NOT a racist comment. If you have somehow interpreted it as one, that is YOUR problem, not mine. I am 1/16th Creole, and the last time I looked at a Creole person, they looked pretty 'black' to me. I'm also 1/8 Native American Indian, who are obviously NOT white people. Furthermore, I am also 1/8 Japanese, which is Oriental, again, NOT white people. For a "white supremacist" I sure as fuck have a lot of ethnicity, don't I? It causes me great consternation when I have to determine which race I feel is "superior" and which one I feel is "inferior" to the others. Now, I could come here wearing my ass on my shoulders with my Native American heritage, and beguile the "white man" regularly, like so many other ethnic people like to do, but I don't do that, I try to keep race out of the discussion and out of the arguments. Until some snot-nose punk decides to call me a "racist" without any basis other than his misinterpreted false assumptions.