name changes....


fully immersed in faith..
can we get a mandatory thirty day period where people who change their names have to put their previous identity in their signature?'s annoying getting total strangers acting as if they know me.....I'm all "who the fuck are you and why do I feel like I don't like you already"........
can we get a mandatory thirty day period where people who change their names have to put their previous identity in their signature?'s annoying getting total strangers acting as if they know me.....I'm all "who the fuck are you and why do I feel like I don't like you already"........

If Damo did that then all the weenies, cowards, and children would throw hissy fits~~~

The whole "I am leaving" shit is pathetic. Notice how all the posters who leave and come back as someone "new" are posters who willingly participate in shit stirring name calling and the like ...but leave in a huff of butt hurt only to lurk and or try to reinvent themselves. Then you have the WM types who are stupid children just being stupid.
people who post only for the sake of insult are so tiresome......shucks, I recognize your name and I still get the reaction, "who the fuck are you and why do I feel I don't like you already".......
If someone acts like they know you they probably do.

It's usually not too hard to tell who someone is after they change their name, you can look at post count, join date, their avatar, their signature, etc.

As for the people that supposedly "leave", well, that's up to them, and if they want to protect their identity (say someone was being harassed on site) then we will respect that.
It's usually not too hard to tell who someone is after they change their name, you can look at post count, join date, their avatar, their signature, etc.

that assumes I have all that stuff memorized.....I did finally figure out who WM currently is by noting his new name on a post I remembered him making.....
Out of curiosity, was anyone who posted on this site before I changed my name to T&A confused by the whole affair? For people who came on board during this time, and then saw me change back to Threedee, I can understand, but if you are that fucking unobservant, I think you might actually be guilty of a crime...
If someone acts like they know you they probably do.

It's usually not too hard to tell who someone is after they change their name, you can look at post count, join date, their avatar, their signature, etc.

As for the people that supposedly "leave", well, that's up to them, and if they want to protect their identity (say someone was being harassed on site) then we will respect that.

It's all whiney assed dumb baby bs....
not really

and most that say they are leaving this site actually do. Not everyone is obsessed with message boards
If someone acts like they know you they probably do.

It's usually not too hard to tell who someone is after they change their name, you can look at post count, join date, their avatar, their signature, etc.

As for the people that supposedly "leave", well, that's up to them, and if they want to protect their identity (say someone was being harassed on site) then we will respect that.

So you are changing your name more times than you change your underwear because you're being harrassed?

How can we miss you if you won't go away?
can we get a mandatory thirty day period where people who change their names have to put their previous identity in their signature?'s annoying getting total strangers acting as if they know me.....I'm all "who the fuck are you and why do I feel like I don't like you already"........

I second! I'm very slow in picking up alternate identities. I really hate.