name changes....

Yeah, but I tend to avoid men with histories so I just couldn't have known beforehand <meaning you've been being ignored until now>
Don't think I haven't noticed your advances towards me. Sadly greatness, such as myself, is born, not made. Better luck next life.
So you are changing your name more times than you change your underwear because you're being harrassed?

How can we miss you if you won't go away?

im changing my name because I get bored with my name and I like changing it up.

I'm hardly hiding, considering I have "Grind" written under my current name, along with "JPP STAFF". I also have negative a billion rep points, and my name is bold, red, and italicized.

If people are confused regarding me, then they are retarded.

Watermark and I are the only two people on here that are changing are names with any degree of regularity. So it should usually be pretty easy to pick us out.

There have been a few in the past that left and wanted to come back with a fresh start. But most people that have claimed to leave (ladyt, darla, BAC) haven't really been back, and certainly not under any other names.
Watermark and I are the only two people on here that are changing are names with any degree of regularity. So it should usually be pretty easy to pick us out.


nah, WM threw me for a loop this last time around because one of his first posts with whatever name he is using now, brother something, he agreed with something I said........I suspect he was just messing with my mind....there's no way he's intelligent enough to agree with me.....
lol @ preacher pampers, calls himself a prophet and is proud to out wm as a troll.
A blind squirl could catch waterturd's troll.
can we get a mandatory thirty day period where people who change their names have to put their previous identity in their signature?'s annoying getting total strangers acting as if they know me.....I'm all "who the fuck are you and why do I feel like I don't like you already"........

You are always boasting about your self proclaimed superiority so I would have thought it would be easy for you to work out who was who.
nah, WM threw me for a loop this last time around because one of his first posts with whatever name he is using now, brother something, he agreed with something I said........I suspect he was just messing with my mind....there's no way he's intelligent enough to agree with me.....

oh look, another example of insulting someone....and this time, it is not a response to anything....

its so easy to prove your lies pampers
Out of curiosity, was anyone who posted on this site before I changed my name to T&A confused by the whole affair? For people who came on board during this time, and then saw me change back to Threedee, I can understand, but if you are that fucking unobservant, I think you might actually be guilty of a crime...

God I love Scarlett!