3 million. know what that number represents?
NOTHING in Presidential elections you poor pitiful dumb fuck.
3 million. know what that number represents?
3 million. know what that number represents?
If you are a lefty and you know, be sure to post the score of your favorite NFL team, your favorite popularity contest, or ANYTHING besides what the title and opening sentence ask for.
OP is meaningless in a bi-term, other than Trump's falling popularity is depressing GOP chances for victory.
If you are a lefty and you know, be sure to post the score of your favorite NFL team, your favorite popularity contest, or ANYTHING besides what the title and opening sentence ask for.
LA has parishes you moron
you are too stupid to know what a parish is.
I think LA meant Los Angeles
Parishes are in Louisiana.
sure....That's it, Trumpbase, keep looking backward to 2016.
3 million. know what that number represents?
Hillary lost the Electoral College, dumb fuck. She lost as in she did not get the majority votes where they mattered. Get over it, deranged snowflake.
trump lost the popular vote, Americans dont want your scum bag, face reality dickhead.
Trump won 2623 counties to Clinton’s 489
Trump won 241 Congressional districts to Clinton’s 194
Trump won in 30 states Clinton in only 20
trump isnt popular, Americans didnt want him
Except they do
Just because you don't doesn't mean anything. You don't speak for all Americans
The saying "if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting" never applied more than it does to the democrat party
You make some stupid posts and this is yet another one. Fewer people voted for your turd....thats reality moron.
Keep looking backwards, Trumptwerpturds: America does not want the Orange Doofus.
If you are a lefty and you know, be sure to post the score of your favorite NFL team, your favorite popularity contest, or ANYTHING besides what the title and opening sentence ask for.
You don't really get the relevance of my post do you? Let me know if you need Uncle ILA to explain it to you