Name your 5 favorite movies


And 3 favorite actors

and finally 3 favorite actresses

To kick it off :

Not really in order ..

American History X - 1998
Gangs of New York - 2002
Godfathers 1&2 I consider it 1 movie 1972-74
The Graduate - 1967
Pulp Fiction - 1994

Humphry Bogart
Jimmy Stewart
Russel Crowe

Carol Lombard
Meryl Streep
Joan Allen just made the list after watching "Upside of Anger"
I stumbled onto "the upside of anger" about a month ago what a surprisingly great movie

Yes .. wasnt it good? I thought Joan Allen was fantastic ...and it was probably Costners best performance in a long time ...
Good Fellas
Saving Private Ryan
Forrest Gump
[strike]Erin Brokivich[/strike]

Johnny Depp
Mel Gibson
Julia Roberts
done this before:

Cidade De Deus
Mulholland Drive
Requiem for a Dream
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (probably actuall not top 5 but I just can't think of anything else right now)

Can't think of 5....

But I'll just list more I like

Blue Velvet
Lost Highway
Punch Drunk Love
Royal Tennenbaums
Shawshank Redemption
Matrix (and yes I like the sequels, shove it)
Fight Club
American History X
Donnie Darko
Waking Life
Pulp Fiction
Resovoir Dogs
1. Forrest Gump
2. The Wizard of Oz
3. Saving Private Ryan
4. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
5. The Jerk

1. Tom Hanks
2. Clint Eastwood
3. Robert DeNiro

1. Julia Roberts
2. Nicole Kidman
3. Meryl Streep
Raising Arizona

Oh Brother where art thou

The Princess bride



This is just a few I can think of ,I dont really have A or even five best ther are too many good ones

The bird cage

Its a wonderful life

Too many good ones
There are sleepers like" the fifth warrior " which didnt get the credit it deserved.

The usual suspects
oooo... usual suspects...good one

also: a BIGGIE I forgot:

Being John Malkovich

That is a real good one ...

and here is recent one that I highly recommend if you havent yet seen it... especially you Dixie... since you are an OZ fan ...

Narnia "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" ...
Raising Arizona

Oh Brother where art thou

The Princess bride



This is just a few I can think of ,I dont really have A or even five best ther are too many good ones

The bird cage

Its a wonderful life

Too many good ones

I agree ... Its tough to narrow it down .... and we are going to forget some bigtime classics ... there already have been many listed that could easily make my top 5 ...
I.E. I am a huge Hitchcock fan ... and by the way .. I liked Amastad too....
Amistad was a great movie.

I think you'd have to break it down into categories. There are simply way too many good movies to put down only 5.
Cinderella Man didnt make a big splash ... but I thought that was a great movie ..... Crowe and Ron Howard are becoming like Scorcese and DeNiro ...and Hitchcock and Jimmy Stewart.