
no, Jethro and Cletus are you and Obbie....."us" refers to God........
Yahweh is referenced somewhere around 6800 times in the Bible. Yet, all but about a half dozen use substitute names, including plural ones. Why is that, Mr. Fucking Bible Expert?

You can’t call your fellow human beings what they wish to be called, but you defer to a mythical storm
god. Amazing.
As I continue to learn more about the origins of Christianity in ancient Israel, a delicious irony struck me.

Because of his demands, one could not utter the name of Yahweh, the top dog of gods. So, other names, lots of them, were (and continue to be) substituted. In the printed Bible, LORD is one of those. I never knew that.

And the anti-LBGBT fundamentalists today bitch about others wanting to be called different pronouns? Here was the original “other pronoun”.


word games are always stupid.

take that to heart.