Nancy Pelosi evicted from her private office in the Capitol by interim House speaker

So, backfill info...

Most Congresscritters have offices in the South Complex building, not in the Capitol building. The offices inside the Capitol are called "hideaway offices" and most often are given to Senators and only high ranking Congresscritters get them at all. So, the interim speaker has decided that the office she formerly used at the Building itself will now officially be an office for use by whomever is holding the office of Speaker. Most Speakers offer a hideaway to their predecessor as Nancy did for the former Speaker when she got hers. However that offer only goes until the next Speaker is then elected, their predecessor is the one vacating the office and he is the one that gets offered a hideaway.

It appears as if the Interim Speaker wants an office in the Capitol to use until the next Speaker is elected and there are no available hideaways for his use so he's taken over Nancy's office for "official Speaker" use.
It is petty, disrupts a Jewish funeral, and violates the norms of a democratic society, so of course a Nazi like you loves it.
There is no 'norms of a democratic society', Nazi. The Oligarchy you support is not a democracy, and there are no 'norms'.
First off it is petty. And it depends on the Democrats not being petty. Do not forget that the Majority Leader of the Senate is a Democrat, and could order all Republican Senators out of their offices too. Republicans count on Democrats being more mature.
The Democrats have been petty already.
HcHenry spent 18 years working with Feinstein, and has previously said she was very kind to him. In a better time, he would have gone to her funeral, but these are not better times for the Republicans. Instead he intentionally demanded the eviction of someone who was going to the funeral, on the day of the funeral. The Republican Party has admitted it was done to disrupt the funeral. I cannot help but think a major reason is that Feinstein is Jewish.
Word stuffing.
And it violates the norms of a democratic society.
There are no 'norms', and there is no democracy. The United States was never a democracy.
In a democratic society, the elected opposition leader is allowed reasonable office space.
In a democratic society, everyone is allowed reasonable time to move out of office space.
In a democracy, there is NO OFFICE SPACE.
Threatening to seize an elected leaders files, if they do not move out on an unreasonable time span is a violation of the Constitution.
There is plenty of time, and there is no violation of the Constitution. Go read the Constitution.
So would you find it funny if Schumer evicted all Republican Senators from their offices in 3 seconds and took possession of all their paperwork they left behind?
Five days is considerably longer than three seconds.
She allowed her Republican predecessor his private office (much larger than the one she had) for the remainder of his term. This asshole told her to get out overnight while she was in California for a funeral. Classless.

Five days is longer than 12 hours.
Yes unless mourners//family have to travel or a person dies away from home or being buried in Israel

local deaths within 48 to 72 hours and no burial on the sabbath. Body is wrapped in white shroud or Tallit


Unlike goyim, no stuffing the deceased, no open casket or cremation , simple casket with no metal

That's really interesting. I didn't know Jew couldn't be cremated. What's the custom behind no metal on a casket?
That's really interesting. I didn't know Jew couldn't be cremated. What's the custom behind no metal on a casket?

Destruction of the Body and took on more meaning after the holocaust and the ovens .

The casket is made entirely of wood—That means the casket includes no metal at all, including no nails to hold the casket together. This practice stems from the belief that not only should the body return to the earth as soon as possible, but the casket should as well
It was a petty, jerk move. He's wrong if he thinks this made him look powerful.

I doubt he thinks that. He's not the Speaker, it's an Interim office. More likely the "she promised one thing then broke it" is the actual reason, but he'll say it is something else. Moreover, he may be claiming that he is the "new speaker" so the former speaker is McCarthy and she's now fallen one step further back from being able to hold the office usually given to the former Speaker.

I have no idea. I do know that space is limited. Senate Leadership and Congresscritters in leadership are usually the only ones with such a hideaway office. I don't think it is a forever thing either. It's not like every Speaker that ever existed (still living of course) still holds an office there.
Destruction of the Body and took on more meaning after the holocaust and the ovens .

The casket is made entirely of wood—That means the casket includes no metal at all, including no nails to hold the casket together. This practice stems from the belief that not only should the body return to the earth as soon as possible, but the casket should as well

Yeah, no preservation either.
Yeah, no preservation either.

Or open caskets ,The Talmud tells us that it is forbidden to gaze at the face of a dead person. On a basic level, this is so that we do not lose respect for the deceased.

Inserting various devices to support its features, draining it of all blood and fluids, injecting it with chemicals, covering it with cosmetics, and so on. All of this is strictly forbidden according to Jewish law, which proscribes desecrating a body in any way.
I doubt he thinks that. He's not the Speaker, it's an Interim office. More likely the "she promised one thing then broke it" is the actual reason, but he'll say it is something else. Moreover, he may be claiming that he is the "new speaker" so the former speaker is McCarthy and she's now fallen one step further back from being able to hold the office usually given to the former Speaker.

I have no idea. I do know that space is limited. Senate Leadership and Congresscritters in leadership are usually the only ones with such a hideaway office. I don't think it is a forever thing either. It's not like every Speaker that ever existed (still living of course) still holds an office there.

If I understood correctly, she was in CA for the funeral and Jeffries and a few others had to pack up her belongings. I consider the timing to be a jerk move, not the routine office change when someone's position changes. I think he could have waited until she returned.
Or open caskets ,The Talmud tells us that it is forbidden to gaze at the face of a dead person. On a basic level, this is so that we do not lose respect for the deceased.

Inserting various devices to support its features, draining it of all blood and fluids, injecting it with chemicals, covering it with cosmetics, and so on. All of this is strictly forbidden according to Jewish law, which proscribes desecrating a body in any way.

We decided to skip all that nonsense as well--and go straight to the crematory.

As for Talmud, Guno, does it have instructions for Sicilians as well?
How fast must one avert his gaze from the person he just whacked?
If I understood correctly, she was in CA for the funeral and Jeffries and a few others had to pack up her belongings. I consider the timing to be a jerk move, not the routine office change when someone's position changes. I think he could have waited until she returned.

Yeah, you can wait until she gets back. It is jerk timing... However I doubt she had to be there personally to move the office. Staffers are the more likely to be hurrying around with boxes than Pelosi. Attend the funeral then go in, in the meantime have your staff pack things up and move them to whatever new office you have been assigned.
Destruction of the Body and took on more meaning after the holocaust and the ovens .

The casket is made entirely of wood—That means the casket includes no metal at all, including no nails to hold the casket together. This practice stems from the belief that not only should the body return to the earth as soon as possible, but the casket should as well

Thanks. I understand now about burning, after the Holocaust evil. And the all wood casket is a great idea, too. The people were "green" before green was a thing. Who even considers now the effect of all that metal that's buried and doesn't degrade.
Destruction of the Body and took on more meaning after the holocaust and the ovens .

The casket is made entirely of wood—That means the casket includes no metal at all, including no nails to hold the casket together. This practice stems from the belief that not only should the body return to the earth as soon as possible, but the casket should as well

I forgot to ask, Guno....

What are the protocols for sitting shiva by an urn with a charcoal Dago in it?