Into the Night
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They are some dumb, gullible creatins
Inversion fallacy. It is YOU that is denying physics here.
They are some dumb, gullible creatins
They are putins pen pals
Putin has only one real source of income
Not to mention he has a nation that is mostly a frozen waste land
Global warming sounds good to him
They are also the same people who claim the election was stolen, that Floyd died of a drug overdose, the government is out to confiscate your guns and that Trump was a great president.
And are all fox viewers
You hate it
And math
And history
In fox you trust
He denies science, specifically the 1st law of thermodynamics.I only hate your lies about science.
He denies mathematics, specifically statistical and probability mathematics.......and math.
He denies history, even recent history.......and history.
Like you?Some people have mastered the art of believing exactly what they want.
He has already demonstrated it.They believe Trump cared about them or the country.
Define 'global warming'. Arguing a buzzword as a so-called 'disaster' is a hoax.They believe global warming is a hoax.
Floyd died of a drug overdose.They believe Gaetz was not having sex with minors. They believe Chauvin was just doing his job and Floyd just died of old age at a bad time.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You are not God. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.Few believe some of the right-wing crap.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy.Almost all believe every damn conspiracy and position of the far-right spurts out and think that proves they are thinking for themselves.
It's more bullshit from Gavin Schmidt and NASA GISS. Trump should have fired him while he had the chance!
There is no science anywhere in this post..
Here's some real science for you, not that a Californicator like you would grok any of it!!
Not so innocent as it looks, a pertinent question is asked by Judith Curry on Twitter:
There is no such thing as 'radiative forcing'. Buzzword fallacy..
How much of a change in cloudiness would it take to account for the 0.53 W/m2 increase in TOA radiative forcing since 2003?
Buzzword fallacy..
She asks it in relation with a recent article accepted for publication on Observational evidence of increasing global radiative forcing (Kramer et al., 2021).
There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas'. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You can't create energy out of nothing. She is ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.Abstract. “Changes in atmospheric composition, such as increasing greenhouse gases,
There is no such thing as 'radiative imbalance'. Buzzword fallacy.cause an initial radiative imbalance
Climate is not a system. Climate is a subjective description of the climate system,
Buzzword fallacy.quantified as the instantaneous radiative forcing.
Undefined words are not metrics. You can't observe what you cannot define.This fundamental metric has not been directly observed globally
Random numbers generated by a computer are not data.and previous estimates have come from models.
There is no such thing as 'radiative response' either. Buzzword fallacies.In part, this is because current space‐based instruments cannot distinguish the instantaneous radiative forcing from the climate’s radiative response.
You can't 'disentangle' what cannot be defined. Buzzword fallacy.We apply radiative kernels to satellite observations to disentangle these components and find all‐sky instantaneous radiative forcing has increased
Random numbers. Argument from randU fallacy.0.53±0.11 W/m2 from 2003 through 2018,
No such thing. Buzzword fallacy.accounting for positive trends in the total planetary radiative imbalance.
No such thing. You can't create energy out of nothing.This increase has been due to a combination of rising concentrations of well‐mixed greenhouse gases
Buzzword fallacy. Define 'aerosol emissions'. What are they?. What is their chemical makeup?and recent reductions in aerosol emissions.
Earth doesn't have an energy budget. Buzzword fallacies.These results highlight distinct fingerprints of anthropogenic activity in Earth’s changing energy budget,
You cannot observe what you cannot define.which we find observations can detect within 4 years.”
Climate is not a science.This question touches a central point of climate science
Climate is not a science.because it cannot be an experimental science
There are no parameters to something you cannot which one can play with parameters in isolation from each other.
You cannot observe what you cannot define, even with instruments.Only a few limited ongoing instrumental observations
In other words, making shit up.and palaeolithic reconstructions
Define 'natural' vs 'anthropogenic'. Buzzword fallacies.may serve to try to distinguish natural from anthropogenic processes,
No such thing. Buzzword particular radiative forcing processes.
Define 'silico'. What job? Void argument fallacy. Buzzword fallacy.However, most of this job, if not all of it, takes place in silico.
There is no question about what is not defined.The question can also be formulated in a more general way:
Argument from randU fallacy (made up numbers). Buzzword fallacies.Is it at all possible, at global scope and by instrumental observations, to distinguish the causes of radiative forcing difference of 0.53 W·m-2 over a time period of 15 years?
Argument from randU fallacies. Buzzword fallacies.To the cloudiness suggestion:
From a simple, two-layer energy balance budget it can be estimated that, all other things remaining constant, a 1% increase in cloudiness (which amounts to approx. 66% overall) may induce a temperature increase of 0.54 °C at the Earth surface and of 0.45 °C at the top of atmosphere (TOA)
Without consideration for any system feedback, a radiative forcing of 0.53 Wm-2 would induce a temperature rise of 0.11 °C at the surface, and 0.18 °C at TOA.
Argument from randU fallacies. Buzzword fallacies.To obtain a same temperature increase, thus to respond to a forcing of 0.53 Wm-‑2, it would take a change in cloudiness by 0.27 % for the surface, or by 0.4 % for the TOA.
It is not possible to measure the global cloud cover or any effect it might have. Void reference fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy.Is cloudiness, or change of cloudiness, measurable with such accuracy and precision at the aggregated global scope? What was it in 2003, and in 2018?
Earth does not have an 'energy balance'. Buzzword fallacy.From an overall energy balance perspective:
Redundancy. Buzzword fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy.In general, and to simplify, modelers estimate all incoming and outgoing heat fluxes,
The temperature of the oceans are unknown. They cannot be measured.and let any remaining quantity warm or cool the oceans,
Heat is not possible to accumulate. Heat has no content. Buzzword fallacy. Denial of the 2nd law of thermodynamics.thus reporting a so-called accumulated ocean heat or “heat content anomaly”.
It is not possible to accumulate heat.According to NASA, over the 1993–2019 period, a heat flux anomaly of 0.36 to 0.41 Wm-2 for the first 700 m of depth would have accumulated.
Heat does not 'release'. Heat has no content. Heat has no 'balance'. This person obviously has no idea what 'heat' even means.Over time, other heat release periods should also occur so that the imbalance does not let us boil or freeze for ever (it never did).
Redundancy. Argument from randU fallacy.Over this time period of 26 years, this heat flux would have implied a temperature change to a well homogenized 700-meter water column of 0.10 to 0.11 °C, a hard to measure change.
It is not possible to 'accumulate' heat. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.A question, similar to the previous one, arises regarding instrumental observation: is it at all possible to measure such heat accumulation precisely, accurately, and at the aggregated global scope (by localized temperature monitoring or any other valid method)?
I have listed several critical errors to this paper. They are NOT being taken into account.In all these evaluations, errors will have to be taken into account;
Tolerance is not the issue. Margin of error and lack of a declaration of variance is, and a lack of available thermometers is, and biased raw data is.those arising from instrumental imprecisions and inaccuracies,
You cannot use cooked data in statistical math. Math error.those that are embedded in the data massaging process (averaging over time and locations),
You cannot use random numbers as data. Math error.and systemic ones deriving from incomplete and imperfect model designs, their parametrization and simplifications.
It's all garbage.Said differently: the resulting balance sheet of any model should entail an account for garbage;
Now she is ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics. You cannot decrease entropy...ever.but it appears that it is at the same time the energy accumulating in oceans.
Earth does not have an 'energy budget'. You cannot reduce entropy...ever. Denial of the 2nd law of thermodynamics.The NASA-Goddard simplified representations does not show any; others (Trenberth, Fasullo, & Kiehl, 2009) show an “net absorbed” of 0.9 W·m-2 or the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) indicates a “Surface imbalance” of 0,6 ±0.17 W·m-2 (one appreciates the margin precision).
Denial of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Denial of statistical mathematics.However, taking into account all potential errors, the true range of validity of this imbalance may well be of the order of hundreds of percent, thus challenging the narrative of a ticking time bomb accumulated in the ocean depths.
Climate is not a science. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.One final question must be addressed to the climate science community:
You cannot accumulate heat.will the heat accumulated
There is no such thing as a 'surface climate'. Buzzword the oceans ever be realized by the surface climate?
A gang of idiots, denying the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.References
Kramer, R. J., He, H., Soden, B. J., Oreopoulos, L., Myhre, G., Forster, P. M., & Smith, C. J. (2021). Observational evidence of increasing global radiative forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(e2020GL091585).
Trenberth, K. E., Fasullo, J. T., & Kiehl, J. (2009). Earth’s global energy budget.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90(3), 311–323.
About the author:
Michel de Rougemont, chemical engineer, Dr sc tech, is an independent consultant.
In his activities in fine chemicals and agriculture, he is confronted, without fearing them, to various environmental and safety challenges.
He published a book ‘Réarmer la raison‘, on sale at Amazon, and an essay ‘Entre hystérie et négligence climatique‘ (both in French only).
He maintains a blog,, a site dedicated to the climate, as well as one on biological control in agriculture
A blatant lie. The conflict of interest lies in the funding by governments, which have an agenda.He has no conflict of interest in relation with the subject of this paper.
Wow you really suck at this huh
The oil cos have massive money
Why would they lie about science ?
The government funds them no matter what their findings are shit ball on a stick
Believe science you fucking idiot
Try it
It makes for better decisions
The bucket of lies you soak your head in daily makes you act like a fucking loser
Religion is not science. You are denying the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.And the republicans just continue to lie about the science
Science isn't a Russian plot.I’m telling you these are Russian programs we fight here
Science isn't disinformation.Disinformation dispensers
Science isn't lies.Lies must be fought no matter where they emerge from
Science isn't a Russian plot.Most people don’t even accept these are Russian programs
Science isn't a Russian plot.I wish they would wake up and accept what we face in this nation
Joe has ideas????Example: the Republican Party is working against joes ideas that the vast majority of Americans back
Science isn't a Russian plot.Why?
Because they are working for Putin
Science isn't a Russian plot.He blackmailed them into it
Science isn't an enemy.They are the enemy within
Science isn't politics.The Republican Party needs to die
Science isn't a 'compromise'.They are wholly compromised
Eat shit public restroom shit smear
Once you believe science the path is clear to a real human
You are a fucking Russo bot hole so you don’t know
Your programmer is still out chopping wood to kept his shitty Siberian shack warm so he cant reprogram your lame ass
That doesn’t sound very science based
I guess your programmers 12 year old Down syndrome kid is playing on his computer while his dad chops wood for the Siberian shack
It's a sure bet. Non-scientific, pseudoscience wrapped in Republican political ideology is common to all of their issues.
NASA isn't a "high priest" or a religion.
Define 'climate modifications'. Buzzword fallacy.My theory is that sentient Republicans are aware that humans are substantially responsible for the climate modifications we have seen this century,
You are describing yourself.but they are emotionally invested in denial, having promoted the denial agenda for decades.
Define 'climate change'. Buzzword fallacy.I actually believe some of them would rather have harm come to their grandchildren's welfare due to climate change,
Void argument fallacy. You cannot use buzzwords as the primary subject of a sentence.than admit they were wrong on an obscure message board to people they will never meet.
Floyd did not die of an overdose
Hello Cypress,
Tragically so.
One has to wonder why deniers apparently do not care in the least about their own descendants.