NASA weight in on the Global Warming denialist campaign

And the govt has been controlled by which party for virtually all of the past 7 plus years. So which party would threaten to cut off funding dano ?
thanks for helping to make my point.
Funding for global warming studies occur based on their being a problem, regardless of party in power. With Hansen you have seen a ratcheting up in the amount of vitriol he has spoken against humans role in global warming despite Bush in power, so what does that tell you?
Politicians can certainly cut or increase broad amounts of funding but have a LOT less control over SPECIFIC bureaucrats than you'd think. It's not like they can just pass a law to fire this or that bureaucrat.
LOL! You really don't understand anything about science, or the scientific method, at all, do you? Didn't your high school, at least, require basic science courses? Your posts show that you know nothing about the peer review process, either!

Do you think Gallileo or Newton went through peer reviews before they accepted their scientific discoveries? They proved it on their own and people understood it.
Also, peer scientists funding and mortgage did not rely on their being a certain point of view needing to be taken (ie: that AGW is true)
Do you think Gallileo or Newton went through peer reviews before they accepted their scientific discoveries? They proved it on their own and people understood it.
Also, peer scientists funding and mortgage did not rely on their being a certain point of view needing to be taken (ie: that AGW is true)
LOL they ran the risk of imprisionment or death Dano , You fool.
LOL they ran the risk of imprisionment or death Dano , You fool.
Which only proves that it takes great fearless individuals (not mass peer groups or bureaucrats) to overcome that, regular people probably would have recanted their controversial views as it wasn't worth the risk.

Honestly man, I have a wife, kids, mortgage; would I try and counter AGW views as a scientist working for NASA? Is it really worth it to me to risk my future, my income and (as we know peace loving lefties threaten over this) my life to counter it?
I'm not sure I would say anything either, maybe when I'm older and more financially secure. I've heard this exact sentiment expressed by Dr Bill Gray, the nation's foremost hurricane expert:
In one interview he flat out stated that younger people voiced to him their scepticism but would never say anything publicly for fear of their job.
You think NASA just has climate scientists because they believe global warming exists and if they didn't believe it these guys would be out of the job? Give me a break. NASA has climate scientists for a host of purposes, one of which is to study climate change.
There are scientists that still claim HIV doesn't cause AIDS. Peer review says otherwise. The scientists who have doubt maybe are just riding the gravy train of AIDS research and are afraid to speak out!

Yeah, Dano this phenomena of less and less scientists buying into the skepticism you propagate could be consistent with some conspiracy, but it's also consistent with having the right answer.
Which only proves that it takes great fearless individuals (not mass peer groups or bureaucrats) to overcome that, regular people probably would have recanted their controversial views as it wasn't worth the risk.

Honestly man, I have a wife, kids, mortgage; would I try and counter AGW views as a scientist working for NASA? Is it really worth it to me to risk my future, my income and (as we know peace loving lefties threaten over this) my life to counter it?
I'm not sure I would say anything either, maybe when I'm older and more financially secure. I've heard this exact sentiment expressed by Dr Bill Gray, the nation's foremost hurricane expert:
In one interview he flat out stated that younger people voiced to him their scepticism but would never say anything publicly for fear of their job.

Dano - You do realize that Hansen was threatened with "dire consequences" if he didn't change his tune on global warming don't you?

Once again, you have things completely ass-backward.
Dano - You do realize that Hansen was threatened with "dire consequences" if he didn't change his tune on global warming don't you?

Once again, you have things completely ass-backward.
That's his claim, yes I did read that, was he threatened with his life or being decertified? Hmmm?
There are scientists that still claim HIV doesn't cause AIDS. Peer review says otherwise. The scientists who have doubt maybe are just riding the gravy train of AIDS research and are afraid to speak out!

Yeah, Dano this phenomena of less and less scientists buying into the skepticism you propagate could be consistent with some conspiracy, but it's also consistent with having the right answer.
Show me a scientist who disputes HIV causing AIDS. I can't remember any saying so in the 80's or 90's even.

Global warming has many prominent sceptics:
That's his claim, yes I did read that, was he threatened with his life or being decertified? Hmmm?

No, his livelihood was threatened by his superiors and political appointees at NASA and in the White House. What's your point?

Another thing, what the fuck does "decertified" mean?
No, his livelihood was threatened by his superiors and political appointees at NASA and in the White House. What's your point?

Another thing, what the fuck does "decertified" mean?

"The Weather Channel's most prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming. This latest call to silence skeptics follows a year (2006) in which skeptics were compared to "Holocaust Deniers" and Nuremberg-style war crimes trials were advocated by several climate alarmists."

Dem governors from Oregon and (I think) Delaware also made similar statements.
"The Weather Channel's most prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming. This latest call to silence skeptics follows a year (2006) in which skeptics were compared to "Holocaust Deniers" and Nuremberg-style war crimes trials were advocated by several climate alarmists."

Dem governors from Oregon and (I think) Delaware also made similar statements.

That's hilarious.
That's hilarious.
Calling for scientists to be stripped of their certification is hilarious? Well goodee, next time you have your bachelor party call me up and I'll hire one to come over and get stripped for your jollies.
Dumbass... and I'm out for the weekend.
Oh right, almost forgot, yeah, so Lorax, it's ok to come out of hiding now and pronounce that I "ran away", you big debating stud you.
Calling for scientists to be stripped of their certification is hilarious? Well goodee, next time you have your bachelor party call me up and I'll hire one to come over and get stripped for your jollies.
Dumbass... and I'm out for the weekend.

It's hilarious because (1) the person "calling for scientists to be stripped of the their certification" has absolutely zero power to actually strip anyone of anything, and (2) the comment was made in passing on a fucking blog.

Get a grip and quit reading that crap. It's infecting your brain.