Bourdeaux Nights
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???he had some before??
Before, after, maybe even right now.
???he had some before??
Yes, you did, you lying low IQ dullard:
QUOTE=archives; Need a lesson in economics?
You're such an idiot you can't remember your last post arsecheese.
Prove that there was little money in circulation (A stupid claim of epic proportions) . Then PROVE that Governments can SPEND their way out of recessions. Did you get this stupidity from a CNN talk show host?
We weren't anywhere near a depression. That's a leftist narrative that lacks factual connection. Had Obama done NOTHING, the economy would have been in better shape when Trump took office.
Before Trump was sworn in, the economy was wallowing in malaise and we were suffering with record low GDP and the WORST recovery from recession in our history. If you had a brain and had done some basic research, you would know this instead of looking like a CNN talk show host moron.
Ironic when YOUR posts smack of the low IQ stupidity of a CNN host. STFU you whiny, clueless economically and historically challenged moron.
That article is baloney; kind of what is inside that dense skull of yours arsecheese. It is claiming that the tax cuts reduced revenue. THAT is a LIE.
Once again, deficit projections have never turned out accurate in that they ignore the growth in the economy and presume that tax cuts reduce revenue, which they do not.
I am amused when CNN talk show rhetoric is used by fools like you to compare EIGHT years of Obamunism with TWO years of Trump's Presidency. I prefer the "let's wait and see" methodology.
So tell us arsecheese, with Democrats in control of the spending, have they talked about reigning in spending yet? Why not? Have you written your representative and demanded and accounting?
It's not the interest on the debt that causes the deficits you brain dead know-nothing. Good lord you are stupid. Yet you think you know what you are talking about.
The interest on the debt is $479 billion. That amounts to a trivial 10% of the total $4.746 Trillion federal budget budget. MANDATORY spending which includes Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid takes up $$2.841 trillion, or about 60% of the total budget.
Income support programs like food stamps, Unemployment Compensation, Child Nutrition, Child Tax Credits, Supplemental Security Income, and Student Loans cost $642 billion.
Unemployment insurance taxes pay for $46 billion of its cost.
Must be "truthie" doesn't understand sarcasm along with economics
Let me help you out "truthie," a recession is a business cycle contraction when there is a general decline in economic activity, a widespread drop in spending, meaning there isn't enough currency in the economy.
That is why it is called a recession, didn't you ever wonder why inflation was so low at that time or didn't Sean tell you
"Had Obama done nothing," again, let me ask you, if the Gov't didn't add money to economy at that time where would it have come from?
Who would have added currency to the economy? Don't know why I am asking cause you don't have an answer, second time you avoided the question
And as much as you and the others who listen to Sean hate at admit, Trump inherited an economy on the upswing, facts prove it, everything doesn't start at zero every time a new President takes office
Give it up, you lack a basic understanding of how economics work
Before, after, maybe even right now.
How is Trump a spendthrift? Be specific. You were okay with Obama's massive spending spree right? STFU hypocrite. Leftist idiots like you are in no position to bitch about deficits.
Of course you think it is "baloney," it invalidates your claim, I could post additional data from the CBO or other sources that measures indicators, but you would aren't going to accept them either for the same reason. Can lead a horse to water but can't make him ................
Then in response you post the traditional garbage we have been hearing back to Reagan on voodoo economics, the Lather effect, that reality has proven bogus again and again
And the point isn't what the Democrats would do, rather the hypocrisy of you and and the right who for decades told America deficits/debts was a major principle of conservatism, which we know now was never real but rather dependent upon who occupied Pennsylvania Avenue
Stop pulling economic, spending, debt, and interest figures out of your dumb ass to mesh with your bat-shit-crazy narrative!
Since Trump took office, the debt has grown from just under $20 trillion to over $22 trillion. While mandatory spending remains the largest driver of deficits, the 2017 GOP tax law was projected to add $1.9 trillion to the deficit over a decade, and bipartisan deals to increase defense and domestic spending have added billions more.
We won't know the exact figures until September. So why the sudden concern about deficits when you didn't give a shit about them during the eight years of Obamunsim? Hypocrite much??
Again, it is baloney for the simple fact it states that the tax cuts reduced revenue. That is a LIE and it is LAME. The CBO has NEVER gotten a projection right. If you had done even the slightest amount of research instead of sounding like a CNN talk show host, you would know that.
No I did not; but as usual arsecheese, being the dishonest know-nothing that you really are, all you have are buffoonish meme's and FALSE narratives.
You are the definition of why it is nearly pointless arguing with a low IQ idiot; it will only lead to the never ending circle of stupidity because you cannot accept FACTS and are too stupid to do any research so that you know what you are talking about.
Apparently the FACTS presented when right over your LOW IQ head. The Republican Party has not been in charge of the purse strings for MOST of the last FIVE decades. That was the Party of the Jackass. The very SHORT time Republicans have been in control, the budget was balanced.
During the Bush years it became unbalanced due to 9-11 and fighting TWO wars for which there was bi-partisan support.
I wish you could deal in facts instead of CNN talk show host memes.
your emperor has no cloths
As I said, regardless of the source, "truthie" is always going to repeat it is "baloney" cause he can't accept the facts, and again generalizes off of the debunked Laffer curve to "prove" his point
If that was true why did Reagan run up deficits, remember Cheney, "deficits don't count," which by the way the interest today is part of that National Debt
No sense exchanging economics with you you don't understand the basics and just keep regurgitating the same talk radio rhetoric
I didn't. But you lack the intelligence to comprehend the OBVIOUS because you are a low IQ, repugnant leftists moron on steroids.
What is apparent is that you lack a high school education. LOL!
Why isn't Trump and the GOP concern about fiscal responsibility today?????
adding to the debt less than Obama is ok
Obviously you don't........ You really should hide both of your faces & stand in the corner![]()
it's more than okay, its a miracle that adding to the debt is less given the fact the demmycunts need to be dragged backwards by their heels as the scramble toward every dollar they can see......
lol.....says a demmycunt that pretends he doesn't cry whenever Congress doesn't spend more money......just this week you had a moral hernia because Ryan suggested we should reduce spending elsewhere to pay for medical care of 9/11 responders.......