Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
Each firework is a microaggression.
It is truly amazing how some people read the tweet as suggesting that fireworks are racist or targeting the black people.
I've lost my faith in humanity and this one?.... meh lol.
It is clear (common sense) that poor and POCs are concentrated together in those areas. They are affected. Basically the scientists are telling us what we already knew.
Each firework is a microaggression.
Give links where it shows that those people living in gated communities set off fireworks (legally or not) as much as those poor communities.
I wonder what they would do with a place like Lakewood, CO that has an eclectic mix of neighborhoods all right next to each other. How would they "explain" how the pollution disproportionately affected only the poor neighborhood, even though it is literally one street away from the "middle class" folk.
He's never been through Washington DC. One block has $ million+ homes, the next has run down public housing.
What scientists?
From the link:
“Honestly, I am a scientist and this is beyond ridiculous,” one person wrote.
Another Twitter user said, “I’m a liberal guy but this stuff is getting ridiculous,”
A third person said, “It never ends with the ridiculous headlines about race. Give it a rest.”
What isn't racist anymore?
The list would be shorter.
Since I never saw the tweet I can't say. I will say, however, that Democrats tend to hate fireworks, simply because their use indicates an independence that doesn't go along with the Oligarchy.
Ask National Geographic magazine. I don't speak for them.
He's never been through Washington DC. One block has $ million+ homes, the next has run down public housing.
So your "link" is you say the word science, then pretend that it is "common sense" then you want links that show that houses that back to each other share air quality?
You only underline what I said before. You are common and have no sense.
No matter how often you pretend that shared airspace is somehow more dirty because poor folks are breathing it when the folks that live next door in the place I described somehow freshen that same air by having fatter bank accounts you will still not make sense nor be speaking special "science ".
Just saying "science" will never change your nonsense into "just common sense".
Read the article.
So you have answered your own question. You are now locked in paradox. Which is it, dude?I don't need to ask NATGEO. Their tweet is there for everyone to see.
What scientists?
So you have answered your own question. You are now locked in paradox. Which is it, dude?
Yeah, I was using Lakewood, CO. Same kind of thing. A very rich person's property will often back to the park, or the alley, where the "poor" folks are setting off the fireworks that he says are causing pollution so foul that only the poor are breathing it.