No need to use obscene language in a civilized discussion. I haven't heard Prigozhin saying that the Kremlin was lying, but even if he did, you need to consider how reliable Prighozin is as a source of information. He's said a lot of things, some of which sound like he was attempting to pander to the west near the end of his reign as the ostensible chief of Wagner.
He has made it clear was that he couldn't bear to see the people of eastern the Donbass region suffer any longer. He said as much in the speech he gave on the day that he began Russia's military operation in Ukraine. I've quoted this part of his speech before, but just in case you missed it:
This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with the help of ornamental election procedures and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means. Everything was in vain.
As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. It is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise the independence of the Donbass people’s republics.
Here Is the Full Text of Putin’s Speech This Morning, Feb 24, 2022 |
No, they've proven that they're tired of trying to resolve things in eastern Ukraine by simply talking to western powers, especially now that western powers have publicly stated that they were just pretending to try to work out a deal with Eastern Ukrainians and Russia when the truth was they were just building up Ukraine's army to take eastern Ukraine back by force. They may well have succeeded too if Russia hadn't put a stop to it.
Finland and Sweden don't have nearly as antagonistic a relationship with Russia as Ukraine does. That being said, I strongly suspect that joining NATO isn't doing the people of those nations any favours in the long run.
People like John Mearsheimer have argued that it's NATO membership and the promise of it that has led to the mess in Ukraine that we have now. Mearsheimer had been predicting NATO's aggressive expansion east of Germany would have this effect eventually for years.