Nattering Nancy II

Sounds as though your buttons have been seriously pushed. (I am the one pushing them, in case you hadn't noticed.)

Calm down. You have been a willing participant in making you look bad.

Yeah sure, you pushing buttons. You're trying to forget that you were triggered by my avatar.
Yeah sure, you pushing buttons. You're trying to forget that you were triggered by my avatar.

Your avatar is of a beautiful woman...and I appreciate beautiful women. I'm sorry this particular woman has a father who wants to pork her, but she did not get a chance to choose her father.

If by "trigger" you mean my thing gets stiff looking at that picture...perhaps. At 81...anything that makes the thing stiff is more than welcome.

Not sure of your point, but my guess is you don't have one for the forum.

Keep struggling. I'm gonna be here for ya.
Unless you are actually Ivanka pretending to be some guy...

...ain't gonna happen.

Well, this is just peachy. Here I have an 81 year old guy thinking about me in unclean ways, simply because I chose to use a certain avatar. Time to change this out...
While the right, conservative, republicans continue to show their fear of women, not one has the nerve or intelligence to even make an excuse. Ah come on righties admit it, women scare you guys. Some on here even call me a female because they think in their narrow minds that that is some sort of insult? Why would it be an insult? Come on righties it has been demonstrated by your own words and actions that you fear women, isn't there at least one of you who can tell the world why?

"Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny; it is the political defense of women hating." Andrea Dworkin
