Nazi Alert

I wonder if anyone makes smoke scented air "freshner".

Hmm I need some to spray in restaurants and such :)

Of course it would have to be safe just stink like smoke.

hmm might be a million dollar idea.
I used to work for the San Francisco Ballet as a computer programmer/analyst (a fun job, my wife and I could get free or severely discounted tickets to performances). Also, I was able to take my wife backstage and into the basements to show her the parts that had been modernized. If I had the time I could watch the ballerinas practice.

After a major earthquake rendered the SF opera house (the place is shared with the ballet) unsafe, funds were raised to bring it up to code.

Among other things the glass light fixtures were washed. Current users of the opera house thought that the glass on the light fixtures was deliberately smoked. It turned out that they were smoked, but the discoloration was from actual smoke. After they were washed and put back together, the corridors were much brighter. The byproducts of smoke had dimmed them over the decades.

Have you ever seen pictures of the lungs of smokers? The sight is usually enough to turn your stomach and for some to quit smoking on the spot.

As for selling dwellings whose residents smoked inside, I expect that it will be a requirement that be disclosed to the buyers who may decide not to buy or require that the rugs, drapes and ventilation systems be cleaned or replaced and the walls be painted…

Ps in California you may not smoke within 20 feet of an entrance of a building.

Pps smokers may have an ally in the Americans with disabilities act since smoking is considered an addiction…some obese people are obese due to medical problems and would also be covered by the ADA.

Oh well, our ‘freedoms’ are slowly being chipped away at, this is one of the problems of democracy, even a democratic republic.
Farm land can easily be converted to other crops that can be used to make, for instance, ethanol to run the machines that work our economy more cleanly.

Convert the tabacco land to marijusana and tax it like alchahol and you could wipe out the national debt, pay for national healthcare and stop glaucoma in it's tracks.
It wouldn't surprise me to find out that the reason you are smelling it, if you are and it is not just in your head, .......
Just a thought.

BTW the smell is nauseating. It gets into your clothing and your hair and everything else. But, I am still opposed to the government forcing smokers to quit by interfereing with something that the smoker does to his/her body especially in their own homes. Isn't that strange? An anti-abortion conservative using the same argument that the pro-abortion lobby uses! Go figure!!


LOL, is that the crux of your defense: that the smoke is in my head? Yeah. OK Immy.
Farm land can easily be converted to other crops that can be used to make, for instance, ethanol to run the machines that work our economy more cleanly.

Convert the tabacco land to marijusana and tax it like alchahol and you could wipe out the national debt, pay for national healthcare and stop glaucoma in it's tracks.

And if anybody needs to mellow out and get stoned, it's those fanatical wingnut republicans: Dick Cheney, Trent Lott, Tom Delay, and Larry Craig.
[Devil's Advocate]

This is the reason I warned against "sin tax" long ago, it becomes their responsibility to smoke and we must continue to allow it because it funds <insert whatever you want here>. It is foolish to connect responsible government action to irresponsible personal behavior.

[/Devil's Advocate]

Oh wow, you picked up a really annoying habit while i was gone?
[Devil's Advocate]
Pleasure in an automobile adds to the economy and could not be easily replaced. If you extended "business use" to include going out to dinner, movies, to the local pub, to the gas station for your chewing tobacco (can't smoke, mind you), then yes, ban all usage of the vehicle that does not contribute to the economy.
[/Devil's Advocate]


i had the misfortune to be rear ended by a person paying more attention to lighting their tobacco than driving, not once but twice
Must be a California thing. I have never gotten rear ended. In or out of a car :D
Nor have I rear ended anyone else. Again in or out of a car.
Oh wow, you picked up a really annoying habit while i was gone?

Apparently "debate" is a really annoying habit to a Liberal. Is that really a surprise? And the more religious they feel about a topic like global warming, the more annoyed they appear to get debating it.
LOL, is that the crux of your defense: that the smoke is in my head? Yeah. OK Immy.

No, but the thought entered my mind that you might just be blowing smoke up our asses just to spark the issue.

You know what really sucks? People that drive while talking on a cell phone. If anything should be banished it is driving while talking on a cell phone!!



PS the you in there was not you in particular but all of you who THINK they can drive while chatting on the phone.

i had the misfortune to be rear ended by a person paying more attention to lighting their tobacco than driving, not once but twice

And I have had the misfortune of being forced of the road by an idiot who thought her phone call was more important than paying attention to oncoming traffic.

Yeah strange that smiking in vehicles has witstood well over half a century without being banned, but several areas are banning cell phone useage in vehicles and they have been out how long ?

i had the misfortune to be rear ended by a person paying more attention to lighting their tobacco than driving, not once but twice
Yeah, and twice I was hit by a woman doing her makeup, that was "one" accident, mind you. She hit me once, bounced off and gave it another go before she got out to yell that I didn't move fast enough when the light turned green. The problem was, our light had not turned green, only the turn lane.
And I have had the misfortune of being forced of the road by an idiot who thought her phone call was more important than paying attention to oncoming traffic.



whatever happened to paying attention to driving while driving?

however, i am as guilty as the rest as i used to drive on interstate 5 with a book propped on the steering wheel and the stereo and cruise control on...

whatever happened to paying attention to driving while driving?

however, i am as guilty as the rest as i used to drive on interstate 5 with a book propped on the steering wheel and the stereo and cruise control on...

Why would a cell phone driver want to pay attention to his/her driving? That is for the other guy. Everyone has to watch out for the idiots talking on the cell phone. Problem is now there are more idiots talking on the cell phone while driving than there are other people to watch out for them.

I suppose having phone sex while driving is much more fun and who cares how many people you kill while doing it? It is not like driving while under the influence. Or is it? Maybe that is the crime these idiots should be charged with!

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Yeah strange that smiking in vehicles has witstood well over half a century without being banned, but several areas are banning cell phone useage in vehicles and they have been out how long ?

God bless the legislators that are doing their part to stop people from driving while under the influence of cell phones.



And no, I'm not against this ordinance. Why should anyone have to smell your smoke? Irrespective of the health risks .. which are real .. why should anyone have to endure your nasty habit of killing yourself?
Yeehaw, fight that drug war Liberal! Passing more "ordinances" (a cute word to make people not think it as severe) should end the drug war in no time!