NC: No More Traitor Flag License Plates

We know it upsets you snowflakes so much because it's your history.

Doesn't upset me in the least, but any time I see someone flying the Battle Flag my opinion of their intelligence level drops by at least 20 points, and I am being kind. What is my history, Skippy, you have zero clue as to my History.
I'd have to agree with NC on this one... just buy a losing traitor's flag sticker if you want one on your car. No reason to keep promoting the loser traitors' flags through our own government.
Doesn't upset me in the least, but any time I see someone flying the Battle Flag my opinion of their intelligence level drops by at least 20 points, and I am being kind. What is my history, Skippy, you have zero clue as to my History.

I know a lot about the racist history of the Democrat Party. That is what's being discussed here.
I know a lot about the racist history of the Democrat Party. That is what's being discussed here.

If that was true then why would you be upset that NC is no longer selling the Racist Democrat Party's flag as part of an official government registry?
If that was true then why would you be upset that NC is no longer selling the Racist Democrat Party's flag as part of an official government registry?

What led you to believe that I'm upset. Have you read my first post in this thread? Democrats are trying to erase their history. Roy Cooper the Pooper Scooper is behind this.
I know a lot about the racist history of the Democrat Party. That is what's being discussed here.

Nope what is being discussed here is the current trumpling racists not being able to buy racist license plates, go back to post #1 and start over, do not pass go, do not collect $200....
Nope what is being discussed here is the current trumpling racists not being able to buy racist license plates, go back to post #1 and start over, do not pass go, do not collect $200....

How do you manage to lisp when you type?
Nope what is being discussed here is the current trumpling racists not being able to buy racist license plates, go back to post #1 and start over, do not pass go, do not collect $200....

Go back to my first post: Democrats trying to erase their history.