Nearly 1 in 5 Republicans believe if Trump loses he should do ‘whatever it takes’ to put himself in White House.

The people carrying the actual guns will do what's right when it gets down to the nitty gritty
The people with the actual guns will follow their illegal orders just as they followed the order to get Death Jabbed.....those who would resist that sort of thing were tossed out....and no the claim that they can now come back does not matter......those kind of people now see what the military has become....they are not coming back....they will have no part of it.
The people with the actual guns will follow their illegal orders just as they followed the order to get Death Jabbed.....those who would resist that sort of thing were tossed out....and no the claim that they can now come back does not matter......those kind of people now see what the military has become....they are not coming back....they will have no part of it.
So have you taken measures to increase the likelihood of yourself and your loved one's survival?
So have you taken measures to increase the likelihood of yourself and your loved one's survival?

Can I ask a background question on all this? I understand why we on the left "fear" Donald Trump based on his own rhetoric but I'm curious what the immediate danger of Kamala Harris is to the Right.

Do you fear that she will simply MISHANDLE the job or do you think she has an actual plan to, for instance, forcibly silence her critics in the media, use the military against US citizens, suggested that shoplifters be shot, shooting illegals as they enter the country?
Yup that's what I'm saying and I'm also saying the cop wasn't prosecuted for the same reason.

Ahhhhh, so she wasn't shot for attempting to break into a secure area during what appeared to the authorities to be a violent incursion, but rather because she was white.

Hmmmmmm. Hadn't heard that before. Is it common that white people are allowed to break into secured facilites? Just curious. I'm white and if I'm allowed to I'm sure there are many places with locked doors that I'd like to get into.
Can I ask a background question on all this? I understand why we on the left "fear" Donald Trump based on his own rhetoric but I'm curious what the immediate danger of Kamala Harris is to the Right.

Do you fear that she will simply MISHANDLE the job or do you think she has an actual plan to, for instance, forcibly silence her critics in the media, use the military against US citizens, suggested that shoplifters be shot, shooting illegals as they enter the country?
I am in favor of shooting looters so let's get that clear.

I would also use deadly force at the border if drugs are involved.

Yes she has plans to forcibly silence her critics.

And on top of that she will terribly mishandle the job. As if that's not enough.
Ahhhhh, so she wasn't shot for attempting to break into a secure area during what appeared to the authorities to be a violent incursion, but rather because she was white.

Hmmmmmm. Hadn't heard that before. Is it common that white people are allowed to break into secured facilites? Just curious. I'm white and if I'm allowed to I'm sure there are many places with locked doors that I'd like to get into.
Do you think for one second that cop with a history of anti white retoric would have shot the same woman had she been black. No fucking chance. You people are my enemy and I wish you nothing but misery. Not a single common ground to get along on.
Do you think for one second that cop with a history of anti white retoric would have shot the same woman had she been black. No fucking chance. You people are my enemy and I wish you nothing but misery. Not a single common ground to get along on.

Your enemy? So if Trump loses what will you feel you are forced to do? (As for the misery part, don't worry, I'm already ahead of you)

Nearly 1 in 5 Republicans believe if Trump loses he should do ‘whatever it takes’ to put himself in White House​

Nearly 30 percent of Republicans believe ‘true American patriots may have to resort to violence to save the country’​

Nineteen percent of Republicans believe former President Donald Trump should do “whatever it takes” to return to power, even if that means calling the results invalid if he loses, a new national poll shows.

The group of Republicans willing to depart from democratic norms and possibly even use violence to get their way is getting bigger as Trump continues to falsely claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him and that November’s showdown has already been rigged.

The poll, conducted by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution, reveals how Trump has molded the Republican Party in his image as he motivates its most extreme members.

Democrats argue that Trump is a threat to democracy, and some in the party – 12 percent in the poll – say Vice President Kamala Harris should also reject the results if she loses.

The poll also shows that 29 percent of Republicans “believe that true American patriots may have to resort to violence to save the country.” Sixteen percent of independents and eight percent of Democrats say the same.

Argument from randU fallacy. Making up numbers and using them as 'data' is a fallacy.
The United States never was a democracy. It is a federated republic.

The oligarchy you want isn't democracy either.
Your enemy? So if Trump loses what will you feel you are forced to do? (As for the misery part, don't worry, I'm already ahead of you)
I will be forced to live with it like I had to when Biden won. My only consolation is that all you mental giants who voted for it will be sharing in the misery.
I will be forced to live with it like I had to when Biden won. My only consolation is that all you mental giants who voted for it will be sharing in the misery.

What misery specifically? While I get that prices are high due to an expected inflationary spike after the COVID lockdowns, it kinda feels like some things in the economy are going really well. I just checked my retirement today and I am kind of gobsmacked at how FAST and how HIGH the amount has gone in the last couple years. The markets are on fire.

I do feel for the folks struggling due to the high costs, but the inflation RATE is now back down to about normal. The presence of inflation is because of the COVID response we took. And all the economists I read said it was expected.

So I'm uncertain what FUTURE misery we are in store for if Kamala wins.