Nearly the entire Western United States territory was stolen from Latinos.

I suppose you're right about that.
In the end, the important thing is to do something about our crackers.
Worrying about refugees is a distraction from that.
Crackers, trumpanzees, and similar miscreants have turned our nation into a dumpster fire.

This is wrong too. Most of the tribes in the Western US had no established towns, villages, or territory. Instead, they were hunter-gatherers or subsisted on raiding other tribes for their survival. Those that did have some agrarian society and established villages, still had little or no form of higher government and no established territory.

Therefore, much, even most, of the territory that was in dispute had no owner whatsoever.
I suppose you're right about that.
In the end, the important thing is to do something about our crackers.
Worrying about refugees is a distraction from that.
Crackers, trumpanzees, and similar miscreants have turned our nation into a dumpster fire.

Then why is it that the most socially fucked up states are the ones run by the most leftist Democrats?
Then why is it that the most socially fucked up states are the ones run by the most leftist Democrats?

That's not an observation remotely associated with fact.
We're not shutting down libraries.
We're not trying to jam religious superstitions into the law of the land.
We don't treat our women like characters from The Handmaid's Tale.
We don't pollute the air with country music.

I will admit this.
I do wish we could send you the hip hop music, too.
That's not an observation remotely associated with fact.
We're not shutting down libraries.
We're not trying to jam religious superstitions into the law of the land.
We don't treat our women like characters from The Handmaid's Tale.
We don't pollute the air with country music.

I will admit this.
I do wish we could send you the hip hop music, too.

Instead, you allow this sort of shit in those bluest of blue states:







There's more. Endless crime, looting, shoplifting, non-prosecution of criminals, mass homeless camps, cities having to print 'Poop maps' and all the rest of the degeneration of society into anarchy.

And yes, in Democrat run cities they are closing the libraries due to homeless camping in them, they're becoming unsafe for patrons, and lack of funding.

Democrat run states and cities ram atheist and sexist values (like the whole LGBTPDQRSTUVW movement) down people's throats. You treat people who actually work for a living, who own businesses, and want a clean safe place to live as aliens to be squeezed every last cent out of and then eradicated.

You pollute the air with adult themed nursery rhymes recited to samplings because you no longer have people living there that can actually compose music, write complex lyrics, and play actual musical instruments.

States run by Democrats are the most socially fucked up.
Shit happens.

For what it's worth, I live in a big blue city and I haven't seen any of that.

We had a couple of bombers a few years back,
but one is dead
and the other is on death row--
we don't do executions so the feds sent him somewhere else.
Instead, you allow this sort of shit in those bluest of blue states:







There's more. Endless crime, looting, shoplifting, non-prosecution of criminals, mass homeless camps, cities having to print 'Poop maps' and all the rest of the degeneration of society into anarchy.

And yes, in Democrat run cities they are closing the libraries due to homeless camping in them, they're becoming unsafe for patrons, and lack of funding.

Democrat run states and cities ram atheist and sexist values (like the whole LGBTPDQRSTUVW movement) down people's throats. You treat people who actually work for a living, who own businesses, and want a clean safe place to live as aliens to be squeezed every last cent out of and then eradicated.

You pollute the air with adult themed nursery rhymes recited to samplings because you no longer have people living there that can actually compose music, write complex lyrics, and play actual musical instruments.

States run by Democrats are the most socially fucked up.

Best post ever in the history of the internet
If any of the above is relevant, said relevancy is completely dissipated and dismissed from consideration for having come from your keyboard, TAG.
That went without saying, but I said it anyway.
Do you think that I care about any of that?

It was land belonging to Latino people,
we appropriated it in whatever manner we felt was expedient,
and now it's time to let the Latino people back onto it.

Since some of our nation's least desirable white people reside in Texas and Arizona,
and the expulsion of said undesirables would be the most expedient way to make room for the more promising refugees.
Send a few more crackers from Southeast Conference territory out the door as well, just to keep them company.
They also lost a war, didn't they?

This isn't advanced sociology. This is common sense.
At the very least, we know that the devil we don't
know can't possibly be as bad as the devil we do know.
That, of course, is a given.

Apparently you have no common sense, and no sense of history.

How can land that's not occupied by anyone belong to someone, particularly when it hasn't even been explored by them?

As for your nonsense on who should get it, Mexico and Central America, along with most of S. America has a long and near unbroken history of being fucked up entirely by Spanish culture. For example, slavery wasn't completely abolished in Spanish colonies until 1873. Even then, the Hacienda system (equivalent to the US plantation system) continued, allowing indentured servitude (slavery with a release date), peasants being forced to work the land for a lord in return for a pittance, etc., into the early 20th century. Even then, considerable vestiges of it remain today.

Why would we want to fuck up the Western US by adopting asinine and brutally stupid economic and social policies that have kept virtually all of the Hispanic Americas so far behind the US and Canada? What possible reason would we want the masses of illegals with their 6th to 8th grade education--at most, health issues, and lack of job skills?

And, what about the Gadsden Purchase? Should that be handed back even though it was a completely legitimate real estate transaction? How stupid and completely ignorant of history do you have to be to think that what you're proposing is a good idea? It isn't. It's fucked up like a soup sandwich, just like all radical Leftist ideas end up being.
Grant was just out of West Point when he was told to go to Mexico and lead troops. That is when he said "If you do not back a war that is coming, you do so at the expense of your career.' He knew we were in the wrong. It was like Putin attacking Ukraine. It was just wrong. But he went American politicians wanted Mexican land. They took it.
Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Montana, and California were all Mexican territories.

What moral standing do we have, then, for stopping Latino refugees from coming in as they please?

Our fuckwit Reichtard trumpanzees seem to think that we have it,
but fuckwits think like fuckwits, and thus, they're all wrong.

i say welcome to our Latino friends.
Let's make room for them by expelling white trash goober crackers on a person for person basis.
Actually, I think it might be better to expel two or three crackers per Latino refugee welcomed.

No they weren't. They were Spanish, not Mexican. Learn you some history fuckwit. Mexico was Mexico, it didn't own anything because it was a Spanish administrative territory.
Apparently you have no common sense, and no sense of history.

How can land that's not occupied by anyone belong to someone, particularly when it hasn't even been explored by them?

As for your nonsense on who should get it, Mexico and Central America, along with most of S. America has a long and near unbroken history of being fucked up entirely by Spanish culture. For example, slavery wasn't completely abolished in Spanish colonies until 1873. Even then, the Hacienda system (equivalent to the US plantation system) continued, allowing indentured servitude (slavery with a release date), peasants being forced to work the land for a lord in return for a pittance, etc., into the early 20th century. Even then, considerable vestiges of it remain today.

Why would we want to fuck up the Western US by adopting asinine and brutally stupid economic and social policies that have kept virtually all of the Hispanic Americas so far behind the US and Canada? What possible reason would we want the masses of illegals with their 6th to 8th grade education--at most, health issues, and lack of job skills?

And, what about the Gadsden Purchase? Should that be handed back even though it was a completely legitimate real estate transaction? How stupid and completely ignorant of history do you have to be to think that what you're proposing is a good idea? It isn't. It's fucked up like a soup sandwich, just like all radical Leftist ideas end up being.

There is virtually no sensible argument to be made against replacing crackers with just about anybody else.
Maybe African war tribes or Islamic jihadists could be as bad, but certainly nobody else.
Grant was just out of West Point when he was told to go to Mexico and lead troops. That is when he said "If you do not back a war that is coming, you do so at the expense of your career.' He knew we were in the wrong. It was like Putin attacking Ukraine. It was just wrong. But he went American politicians wanted Mexican land. They took it.

Actually, Mexico tried to avoid the war and wanted to sell their claim to this land to the US, but because of popular opposition (eg., a stupid, ill-informed public) knew they couldn't without serious political consequences at home. Mexico had no use for that land, as I demonstrated because they had NOTHING on it. It would have been like the French under Napolean selling the Louisiana territory to the US. France had a claim to it, but NOTHING on it.
The French needed money and that's why they sold it. Mexico was broke at the time and needed the money so they wanted to do the same thing.

Because of the border dispute over where Texas and Mexico had one, the US and Mexico ended up in a series of small clashes the US used as an excuse to go to war. The US won, and ended up paying Mexico for the land anyway as I also pointed out. Basically the war for Mexico ended up being a politically expedient excuse for selling the land to the US as they had wanted to originally, but it allowed them to save face with the public in doing so.
Grant was just out of West Point when he was told to go to Mexico and lead troops. That is when he said "If you do not back a war that is coming, you do so at the expense of your career.' He knew we were in the wrong. It was like Putin attacking Ukraine. It was just wrong. But he went American politicians wanted Mexican land. They took it.

Those Russia Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin phosphorous bombings pretzel dogs encapsulated in Christiananality pedophilia like bungling GI Joe "serve the Pope or die" SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 illegal immigrant alien pretzel dogs whose time has come to displace USA veterans as those burning "it's only a God damn piece of paper" Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" health care plan of Islamidiocracy Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement displacing veterans at the Pentagon with flying carpets to Valhalla Mohammed pedophilia martyrdom.....