Need some advice on cellphones in Canada.

"The North American monetary union is a theoretical economic and monetary union of three North American countries: Canada, the United States of America and Mexico.

Implementation would involve the three countries giving up their current currency units (the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Mexican peso) and adopting a new one, created specifically for this purpose (some versions of the theory assume only the United States and Canada would be included). The hypothetical currency for the union is most often referred to as the amero.[1][2] The concept is modeled on the common European Union currency (the euro)."
"The North American monetary union is a theoretical economic and monetary union of three North American countries: Canada, the United States of America and Mexico.

Implementation would involve the three countries giving up their current currency units (the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Mexican peso) and adopting a new one, created specifically for this purpose (some versions of the theory assume only the United States and Canada would be included). The hypothetical currency for the union is most often referred to as the amero.[1][2] The concept is modeled on the common European Union currency (the euro)."

That's simply not true. This dude controls all the money.

Oh good. Hey, when you get to Canada, go buy a gallon of milk and tell me how you pour it. They sell milk in these big plastic bags. How the hell do you pour THAT???

I used to buy milk from a local farm in a bag. They had a special pitcher (cost .99 cents) and it had a small "slit" cut in the top to seal it shut. The farm had a small store too, they did their own butchering, but went out of business when the owner died back in the late 90's.
That's simply not true. This dude controls all the money.


Well, what IS cool, is their money looks like OUR money. Their penny looks like our penny, their nickel looks like our nickel, their dime looks like our dime and their quarter looks like our quarter. I don't think they have a 50 cent piece. AND, they have this totally cool rad 1$ and 2$ coin (called a 'loony' and a 'twoony'... that we should probably adopt)

"Canada has pretty much the same denominations that the U.S. has: Cents (that don't buy much, and which nobody picks up off the ground just like in the U.S.,) nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars (called "Loonies" because the standard design depicts the bird called a Loon,) and two-dollar bi-metallic coins (called "Toonies," apparently named in honor of the one dollar coin of which Canadians are very fond.) The various Canadian coins are all the same sizes as their U.S. counterparts although they are made of very different metals.​"
I used to buy milk from a local farm in a bag. They had a special pitcher (cost .99 cents) and it had a small "slit" cut in the top to seal it shut. The farm had a small store too, they did their own butchering, but went out of business when the owner died back in the late 90's.

I think there must be some standard size 'pitcher' everyone buys (or is given upon birth). I guzzle milk out of the carton, so when I was there, I just stood at the Dairy section ... bewildered.
I think there must be some standard size 'pitcher' everyone buys (or is given upon birth). I guzzle milk out of the carton, so when I was there, I just stood at the Dairy section ... bewildered.

The "pitchers" come in all sizes


Oh. And now that this person 'guno' has been brought up ...
Who would support a Hate-filled person that CONSTANTLY attacks White People and Christian People ... for no other reason than they are White, and they are Christian?

Have you seen her avatar? It's "Good Night - White Pride". An attack on White People's parents, grandparents, ancestors, relatives, children, grandchildren and the person themselves.
Let me ask a question: "Would you support a person that had an avatar that said "Good Night - Black Pride"? "Good Night - Jewish Pride"? "Good Night - LGBT Pride"? Good Night - Latino Pride"? "
I asked 'guno' about this, ... her response to me: "Goyim want a pork treat?"

This person has a MAJOR problem.
'guno's' (I like to call her 'Jewno') byline is "Religion: society's accepted mental illness".

She has her head so far up in Moses's ass, I mean it's WAY up in there, and calls everybody 'Goy' and 'Goyim'.
So ... I agree with her byline ... and SHE'S the Prime Example!

I believe she's mentally ill. Probably thinks she's furthering the 'Progressive Cause' by spewing racial and religious HATE.
Irony (Part 2)
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. Albert Einstein'

Another byline from guno.
When guno calls people 'Goy' and 'Goyim', does that smack of 'Nationalism' or 'Tribalism'? Just a question.

See. I think people of normal intelligence wouldn't act like the HATE spewing juno. I think if she worked for Hasbara or the State of Israel, they would quickly and immediately reign her in as a non productive asset. That is why ... I think she is a sock of Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
This persons MAIN GOAL ... seems to be to spread RACIAL HATE and RELIGIOUS HATE between Christians and Jews. If you follow the dots ... -----------> Louis Farrakhan.
Oh. And now that this person 'guno' has been brought up ...
Who would support a Hate-filled person that CONSTANTLY attacks White People and Christian People ... for no other reason than they are White, and they are Christian?

Have you seen her avatar? It's "Good Night - White Pride". An attack on White People's parents, grandparents, ancestors, relatives, children, grandchildren and the person themselves.
Let me ask a question: "Would you support a person that had an avatar that said "Good Night - Black Pride"? "Good Night - Jewish Pride"? "Good Night - LGBT Pride"? Good Night - Latino Pride"? "
I asked 'guno' about this, ... her response to me: "Goyim want a pork treat?"

This person has a MAJOR problem.



Yeah. WTF is right.
Do you think this person represents what the Progressives want to project? Brotherhood, Tolerance, Unity? Or does this person represent everything the Progressives reject? Hate, Intolerance, Division?

Now, if this is a Louis Farrakhan internet persona, planted here to spread HATRED, I would have to say, Louis is a genius.
Yeah. WTF is right.
Do you think this person represents what the Progressives want to project? Brotherhood, Tolerance, Unity? Or does this person represent everything the Progressives reject? Hate, Intolerance, Division?

Now, if this is a Louis Farrakhan internet persona, planted here to spread HATRED, I would have to say, Louis is a genius.

It's trump's fault. He did it.
Does anyone know a cheap option that works good in Canada, like just a good burn phone. My cheap Tracfone, from Safelink, I get for being disabled, doesn't work in Canada. I think Cypress talks enough on Canada, maybe they know. This is the one thing still to figure out for vacation, so I'm asking around a few places. I'll check back in later.

Just remember that Canada is metric and you have to take that into account with your phone