Need to Vent


JPP Modarater
So, in my company we have this manager swap program that I'm a part of and last January I got stuck with the mother of all wack job bosses. The bitch is crazy AND stupid. And b/c of her we've had to work CRAZY hours b/c the person who knew what she was doing went out on maternity leave.

To give you an idea of what I'm working with (if you're familiar with HR and counting heads), she added up all four quarters of headcount to get a Full Year amount. I.e. tim was at work in Q1 - 1 Q2 - 1 Q3 - 1 Q4 -1 That means in the fiscal year, Tim is counted as 1 NOT 4

Well, its now business day 8 our books aren't closed and she's still fumbling around trying to find someone to blame all of her mistakes on and everyone is at their ropes end with her. She messed up BIG TIME.

I thought I was through with her b/c our VP had me start reporting to her directly, but I've found out through the rumor mill that they may stick me back under Ms. Crazy. Do I say something if this happens? Or do I just suck it up?
So, in my company we have this manager swap program that I'm a part of and last January I got stuck with the mother of all wack job bosses. The bitch is crazy AND stupid. And b/c of her we've had to work CRAZY hours b/c the person who knew what she was doing went out on maternity leave.

To give you an idea of what I'm working with (if you're familiar with HR and counting heads), she added up all four quarters of headcount to get a Full Year amount. I.e. tim was at work in Q1 - 1 Q2 - 1 Q3 - 1 Q4 -1 That means in the fiscal year, Tim is counted as 1 NOT 4

Well, its now business day 8 our books aren't closed and she's still fumbling around trying to find someone to blame all of her mistakes on and everyone is at their ropes end with her. She messed up BIG TIME.

I thought I was through with her b/c our VP had me start reporting to her directly, but I've found out through the rumor mill that they may stick me back under Ms. Crazy. Do I say something if this happens? Or do I just suck it up?

I can relate T. I interviewed for my current job and the person who hired me couldn't even tell me what the job would be, that I would need to create the position. I thought that sounded interesting. Turned out I was wrong. My boss was a Customer support manager with absolutely no technical back ground what so ever and treated me like I was a freaken fry cook at McD's and having to deal with her Napoleonic complex. If I had still been single I would have quit. Fortunately she is no longer in my chain of command.
I can relate T. I interviewed for my current job and the person who hired me couldn't even tell me what the job would be, that I would need to create the position. I thought that sounded interesting. Turned out I was wrong. My boss was a Customer support manager with absolutely no technical back ground what so ever and treated me like I was a freaken fry cook at McD's and having to deal with her Napoleonic complex. If I had still been single I would have quit. Fortunately she is no longer in my chain of command.

well, my hot mess of a semi ex boss cries all the freakin' time, messes up just about everythign she touches. Honestly I don't know why she's still at the company. Some of her fuck ups are just gigantic and then she tries to pawn them off to the rest of us so she can blame everybody else. I thought I was done with her, but if I get put under her again I'm going to flip.
fuck you asshole, I should lynch you.

ahahahaha, do you think you could outline what you see and present it to management with your reasons as to why this would be a bad match? will her mistakes eventually catch up with her? if you do get stuck under her be sure to document EVERYTHING! she sounds like one who will sacrifice you for her own skin! I am so very happy I don't have to deal with this crap anymore!
I can relate T. I interviewed for my current job and the person who hired me couldn't even tell me what the job would be, that I would need to create the position. I thought that sounded interesting. Turned out I was wrong. My boss was a Customer support manager with absolutely no technical back ground what so ever and treated me like I was a freaken fry cook at McD's and having to deal with her Napoleonic complex. If I had still been single I would have quit. Fortunately she is no longer in my chain of command.

I am glad it all worked out, a bad manager can add so much unnecessry stress to your life...
you mean like your friend's post that you thought was funny? you mean like all the other posts where she insults me? like that?

let me know!

She asked for advice, your first post was the insult, she only came back at you, you are such a victim and so innocent. You usually throw out the first insult and then are perplexed by what follows, then you try to make it the others person's fault. You are a real piece of work.
ahahahaha, do you think you could outline what you see and present it to management with your reasons as to why this would be a bad match? will her mistakes eventually catch up with her? if you do get stuck under her be sure to document EVERYTHING! she sounds like one who will sacrifice you for her own skin! I am so very happy I don't have to deal with this crap anymore!

ohhhhhhhh, its evident! I'll FB you. If she doesn't go down this time, then I know for a fact they don't fire ANYONE and I can do whatever the hell I want and still have a job.
you mean like your friend's post that you thought was funny? you mean like all the other posts where she insults me? like that?

let me know!

uh-oh.......looks who's panties are in a wad now. You can dish it, but like the gaping vagina you are, you can't take shit. Settle down asshole. This is my personal thread that you came RUNNING TO. If you can't take the heat get out the fucking kitchen.
So, in my company we have this manager swap program that I'm a part of and last January I got stuck with the mother of all wack job bosses. The bitch is crazy AND stupid. And b/c of her we've had to work CRAZY hours b/c the person who knew what she was doing went out on maternity leave.

To give you an idea of what I'm working with (if you're familiar with HR and counting heads), she added up all four quarters of headcount to get a Full Year amount. I.e. tim was at work in Q1 - 1 Q2 - 1 Q3 - 1 Q4 -1 That means in the fiscal year, Tim is counted as 1 NOT 4

Well, its now business day 8 our books aren't closed and she's still fumbling around trying to find someone to blame all of her mistakes on and everyone is at their ropes end with her. She messed up BIG TIME.

I thought I was through with her b/c our VP had me start reporting to her directly, but I've found out through the rumor mill that they may stick me back under Ms. Crazy. Do I say something if this happens? Or do I just suck it up?

my suggestion would be to document as much of this as you can.

There may be an opportunity for you to take this documentation to someone who has a interest in the well being of the company.

What a shitty thing it is to have all your hard work sabatoged by a nutter.
uh-oh.......looks who's panties are in a wad now. You can dish it, but like the gaping vagina you are, you can't take shit. Settle down asshole. This is my personal thread that you came RUNNING TO. If you can't take the heat get out the fucking kitchen.

you're the one that got all pissy when i just razzing you. now look at your posts.

i'm merely asking rana if this is the civilized type of person she wants me to be. being curious is not getting upset. she wants to be civilized, yet she thanks and laughs at you calling me a fucking asshole and now this vulgar post that she thanks....

i'm trying to understand how stupid and crazy are somehow less civilized than fucking asshole and your post above.

can you enlighten me?
She asked for advice, your first post was the insult, she only came back at you, you are such a victim and so innocent. You usually throw out the first insult and then are perplexed by what follows, then you try to make it the others person's fault. You are a real piece of work.

so coming back with cruder insults is more civilized.....i didn't care what she said nor did care about her insult, i was curious how you can think stupid and crazy is less civilized than her responses....

got it

fuck you asshole, you gaping vagina

is that better?