Need to Vent

my suggestion would be to document as much of this as you can.

There may be an opportunity for you to take this documentation to someone who has a interest in the well being of the company.

What a shitty thing it is to have all your hard work sabatoged by a nutter.

God, you have NO IDEA. She actually said that someone is sabotaging her. LOL, NO ONE wants to touch anything that she's touched.

BTW - Missed you in vegas!
well, my hot mess of a semi ex boss cries all the freakin' time, messes up just about everythign she touches. Honestly I don't know why she's still at the company. Some of her fuck ups are just gigantic and then she tries to pawn them off to the rest of us so she can blame everybody else. I thought I was done with her, but if I get put under her again I'm going to flip.

Quit. If you can't change the circumstances, change what you can. Yourself.
I can relate T. I interviewed for my current job and the person who hired me couldn't even tell me what the job would be, that I would need to create the position. I thought that sounded interesting. Turned out I was wrong. My boss was a Customer support manager with absolutely no technical back ground what so ever and treated me like I was a freaken fry cook at McD's

She was right. People like you shouldn't be employed. You're a prole, a drain on the economy, and you will be eliminated in the Socialist Revolution.
well, my hot mess of a semi ex boss cries all the freakin' time, messes up just about everythign she touches. Honestly I don't know why she's still at the company. Some of her fuck ups are just gigantic and then she tries to pawn them off to the rest of us so she can blame everybody else. I thought I was done with her, but if I get put under her again I'm going to flip.

She is wise. I must learn from her the ways of a master.
well, my hot mess of a semi ex boss cries all the freakin' time, messes up just about everythign she touches. Honestly I don't know why she's still at the company. Some of her fuck ups are just gigantic and then she tries to pawn them off to the rest of us so she can blame everybody else. I thought I was done with her, but if I get put under her again I'm going to flip.
I'll never work in a corporate office again unless it's an upper management position. I'll either hang a shingle out or work as consultant or contractor before I ever do that again.
She was right. People like you shouldn't be employed. You're a prole, a drain on the economy, and you will be eliminated in the Socialist Revolution.
What would you know? You're a punk who still lives in his parents basement. You have no job, no money and no marketable skills cause you're still a boy.
Looks like its time for that secret conspiracy of the Youngins that Mott was talking about on the Werewolf thread to manifest itself in this thread.

Mott, you are a worthless drain upon society, and should be locked up in an asylum where you can have no further impact. Beyond that, you are one horrible bloody prole.You deserve to be fired.