I am not voting for a hero. I am voting for a leader. Regardless of what Bush goober smoochers (and this does not imply you) say, what the rest of the world thinks about the US is at least in some part important. I believe he can regain some lost prestige in the world. Being the only ass kicker on the block does not excuse boorish behavior. I BELIEVE that Obama can be that sort of leader. You were in the Military, you must have had some people in your chain of command that just MADE you feel like you would follow them anywhere. I am not saying I would follow Obama anywhere but he has an air of leadership about him that has been lacking in this country for two decades. Say what they will about Reagan Dems cannot deny that he had leadership qualities that made people feel good about him and safe with him in the oval office. Now Republicans are NEVER going to say that about a dem president even if it is true, but it is one of the intangibles I sense whenever the guy speeks. If I am wrong and he fucks things up, the one thing I won't do that Republicans did is vote for the guy twice. I will vote for someone else.