Neglected Veterans/Soldiers

I always am mindful of the comfy Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) job I have working for NORAD. Even to the extent that I feel awkward when people walk up to me and thank me for my service, because I've never carried a rifle into battle (or even operated C2 systems overseas to conduct air battle management). The other day I got to go down to Portland and tour the fighter squadron there. Gave some neat perspective on what is happening on the other side of my phone/radar everyday. On the way back home, we were walking out of a beer and burger establishment when an old lady waved at us and said "thank you."

Anyway, I would like to see the troops who are actually putting their lives on the line taken care of. Even when they aren't getting hurt, they are getting yanked out of their private lives for months at a time, whereas I finish my 12 hour shifts and go home.
You are all over the place. Have you figured out yet 1) who proposed the sequester and 2) how it was signed into law?

Why do repubs always pull this out when they can't think of any other argument?

Sequester happened due to repubs. Yes, Obama suggested it first; Repubs jumped on it, and then failed to make the compromises needed to avoid it.

Happy now?

How about moving back to the topic? Most of our veterans deserve better than they are getting.
Why do repubs always pull this out when they can't think of any other argument?

Sequester happened due to repubs. Yes, Obama suggested it first; Repubs jumped on it, and then failed to make the compromises needed to avoid it.

Happy now?

How about moving back to the topic? Most of our veterans deserve better than they are getting.

Look at post number 4. He's the one who brought up the subject. You say 'repubs' always pull this out well does it answer his question or not? AP asked if Obama cut the military budget. Well via the sequester he did. Am I wrong on what I'm stating here and my answer to his question?

Then AP says the President isn't king or whatever analogy he tried to use which had nothing to do with anything. Congress passed the sequester and the President signed it. I don't know jack about politics but I know the basics of how a bill becomes law.
I'm open to ridicule the Left about this as well, but I will be honest and haven't heard Obama cut military budgets. Last I heard in 2010 Obama forced war to be placed into the military budget so the people knew what was spent. Putting war under "National Defense" shot up spending since it wasn't there before. You know Bush probably had it in the budget under "Don't look at this bill! It's a good one" or something named pretty like the Patriot Act. Lot's of budget clean up after that tool hence budget.

I want to be sure you aren't just a false media parrot so give me a link to Obama cutting funding to the military with a Right Wing Congress in control since 2010. I'm open minded and you might be surprised, I don't like the Corporate purchased sell out Obama.

Right here Tk, am I derailing the thread by answering these questions?
Cawacko, the sequester was due to right wing whack jobs. You can try and blame it on Obama, but no - it was your party that did it.
Cawacko, the sequester was due to right wing whack jobs. You can try and blame it on Obama, but no - it was your party that did it.

Ok, so although the military budget was cut under President Obama by legislation he signed he didn't actually cut the military budget?

TK, you are too smart to wear these partisan blinders. The sequester cut the military budget. The military budget didn't cut itself.
Ok, so although the military budget was cut under President Obama by legislation he signed he didn't actually cut the military budget?

TK, you are too smart to wear these partisan blinders. The sequester cut the military budget. The military budget didn't cut itself.

And the sequester was due to republican stupidity.
Ok, so although the military budget was cut under President Obama by legislation he signed he didn't actually cut the military budget?


CONGRESS passed the sequester...those were YOUR words.

CONGRESS is responsible for any cuts to the military due to the sequester.

TK, you are too smart to wear these partisan blinders. The sequester cut the military budget. The military budget didn't cut itself.

And CONGRESS passed the sequester.

CONGRESS passed the sequester...those were YOUR words.

CONGRESS is responsible for any cuts to the military due to the sequester.

And CONGRESS passed the sequester.

So does all legislation passed by Congress become official law or is there another step?