New Director Update

Darla, you can train that boy easy.
his hair can grow
he can become a weed smoking turbo-lib

Honestly if he had long hair and was smoking weed, he would be totally irresistible.

Last week he ran into my office because I had someone from kind of the streets in there (hard to explain without saying exactly where I work), and he’s just standing around in it. And after the guy left, I just looked at him, like “what?” And he said, you should leave the door open and the guy shouldn’t be standing over you like that, you don’t have to have people in here drooling into your hair. Even though I’m a total lefty, that was really hot.
If he's single he's trainable,
you commit to training him he'll be a lot more attached to you and his new locks than the lock step sargant carter cut he now has.