New Fashion Trend Among Criminals

Yeah, and that criticism really didn't stop him from winning the Presidency. He'd be a Republican President Obama, and with all of his faults, he'd still be enacting your agenda.

Do you really think the people who support him think he is a god? I'm sure most people who support Obama had criticisms of him in some respect. But those criticisms were not sufficient for them to make a difference choice.
I think that blacks who normally don't vote came out in droves to vote for him, and conservatives that didn't like McCain by and large stayed home. He could have IQ=85 stamped on his head and the results would have been the same.
I think that blacks who normally don't vote came out in droves to vote for him, and conservatives that didn't like McCain by and large stayed home. He could have IQ=85 stamped on his head and the results would have been the same.

Right, because blacks are irrational people who vote for other black people regardless of the merit of the candidate.
I dunno, man. I think that belittles the concerns of these folks who wear these shirts.

Like I said, you don't know who these people are and why they support Obama. I'm sure you're right that some of them think he relates better to poor people.

But I don't think it's a stretch to say that for every person there are different issues that activate their support. You're forgetting about the war, for instance, which is a pretty big deal. It's a mistake to write off Obama's supporters as crazed about the new entitlements he will offer them and bringing socialism to this country.
I recall the gal on you-tube saying how Obama will be paying her car payment, as well as a few personal experiences with similar attitudes. None of these mentioned war- just that its now time to sit back and collect. I also saw the results of polling that 33% or people under 30 think socialism is better than capitalism.
Right, because blacks are irrational people who vote for other black people regardless of the merit of the candidate.
Your words, not mine. Personally I think that they're like most folks in general where a large percentage think that way. That and they've gotten sucked into the crapola that the Democrats have been pushing to them for so long.
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Republicans should be asking why they can't get Americans of all kinds and circumstances as excited about what they have to offer. They should be assessing what kind of baggage they have that makes the word Republican sound dirty to so many people.

most americans are prole idiots that are lazy and stupid. They like taking other peoples money and property because the proles are incapable of doing anything on their own. Republican is a "dirty" word to the masses because most of the masses are dead weight and republicans at least in principle do not like dead weight.
Right, because blacks are irrational people who vote for other black people regardless of the merit of the candidate.

lol ooook here is another one of grinds classic moments where people put words in my mouth but here goes:

absolutely lots of african americans (and other minorities) voted for obama last election because he was black and only for that reason. It is SO fallacious to have the contention that in an election where massive amounts of minority voters turned out that it is just SHEER COINCIDENCE that the candidate happened to be african american.

In part I don't blame them, If I was black or a minority I probably would have to, same reason why irish people went in droves to kennedy.

*disclaier: grind is not suggesting that the majority of african americans did this, or that uninformed voters are exclusive to the democrats, there are plenty of relgious idiots that think the earth is 6000 years old that voted for mccain.
I expect that it could be demonstrated that a specific state's voter turnout increases when one of the candidates is from that state. Does that make everyone there a statist? No, they just take pride in the label...
Right, because blacks are irrational people who vote for other black people regardless of the merit of the candidate.

Late night TV had a reporter go into the streets of NYC and ask blacks what they thought of Obama's pick for VP, Sarah Palin, and they responded she will do a great job.

I am not saying blacks are irrational, what I think is many where excited about the thought of a black man wining they never even looked at his policies .

I have to agree with Southern Man , in the town I live the blacks that normally don't vote did vote this election, In philly they had Black Panthers standing outside a poll with bats in there hands, yes this election was won because of color.