New Gig!

I don't know if I will be coming here less or more but I just got a new side gig writing a weekly political column "from the left".

I used many ideas we bounce around here for pieces I wrote as samples for the editor who hired me... so I guess that might mean that I will need to continue posting often to keep it up, then again I will be working on a weekly schedule and writing about this topic for money... so I might not like doing it for fun anymore.

Anyway we shall see.

I have to moderate a bit and be more mainstream, plus I will end up doing more research to back up what I say... but I am pretty excited about it.

Another difference is that it will have my real name on it, so that will out me as a liberal to my clients, I don't know if that will help or hurt.

I think being outed as a confirmed idiot will hurt you more.

Funny you say you will need to "moderate" more. Makes it sound like you realize your beliefs are out of the mainstream.

I know if it were me I wouldn't change a thing.
wouldn't it have made more sense to hire someone who knew what the fuck they were talking about?........or is this an Onion type newspaper who's going to use you as a stereotype idiot?......
wouldn't it have made more sense to hire someone who knew what the fuck they were talking about?........or is this an Onion type newspaper who's going to use you as a stereotype idiot?......

It is probably a small town rag that Jarod volunteered to write something for. I highly doubt he is getting paid.
If you are going to write opinion pieces you will find that you will be here to get a pulse on ideas that people want to read.
wouldn't it have made more sense to hire someone who knew what the fuck they were talking about?........or is this an Onion type newspaper who's going to use you as a stereotype idiot?......

I wonder how much they're going to be paying his proof reader; because as all of us know, his writing sucks. :D
Maybe he will write about his pretend neighbor who he claims is a trump supporter that tried to run him over.

Or maybe the injustice that occurs, when his imaginary friend was arrested, at an imaginary job, for receiving imaginary kiddie porn, from his own imaginary home computer.
this is america. We have this thing called the 2nd amendment. Send your thugs and i'll give you a couple more skeletons that you can add to your collection alongside your skeleton mom.
I doubt it, one is an ex All Ireland hurling player and another was a fireman for many years. They would make mincemeat of a weedy little git like you, as you well know.

good going J rod

follow the facts without fail

every time I have stopped to go deep fact hunting because some subject seemed to show validity to a rightwing position I have found that it was merely that the corporate media was playing hide and seek to help the owners of the republican party.

never buy anything the right says without comprehensive proof from them.

good going J rod

follow the facts without fail

every time I have stopped to go deep fact hunting because some subject seemed to show validity to a rightwing position I have found that it was merely that the corporate media was playing hide and seek to help the owners of the republican party.

never buy anything the right says without comprehensive proof from them and accept EVERYTHING the left says despite facts that contradict what they say. Then you will be a true left wing hack

you shits lie all day long

that is why your party is killing its self

I hope the republican party in its present day form goes the way of the Whigs. Then when us real American patriots take over, we will re-educate all of you who think wrong things. Those of you who fight our re-education efforts will be marched off to the gas chambers.
If you are going to write opinion pieces you will find that you will be here to get a pulse on ideas that people want to read.

That's my plan, and to see how people react... Should be a good springboard.
I hope the republican party in its present day form goes the way of the Whigs. Then when us real American patriots take over, we will re-educate all of you who think wrong things. Those of you who fight our re-education efforts will be marched off to the gas chambers.

While I dislike the gas chamber reference and the "re-education" comment, I do agree that one of the big purposes of political discussion is to learn by viewing the opinions of others. The learning might come in the form of reinforcing ones own opinions, altering ones own opinions, or even agreeing with the new opinion of the other person.

I learn by coming her every day. I have a much deeper understanding of how others think about issues when I read threads and posts.