New Hampshire governor wants to ban cell phones from schools

Forty-five percent of schools reported having a computer for each student

Though there is no evidence that they are a good idea in that likely is evidence that the schools have a lot of money to spend and need to spend it to keep the gravy train going.

So called education looks a lot like the so called health system....gobs of money is spent to deliver very little.

The military industry as well.
"It sounds like it should be a good idea" without checking rules the day in this dark age....this is true for computers.....before that it was said of TV in every classroom.
Public schools are a waste of time and money, IMO. Nothing but daycare for irresponsible parents who don't care if their spawn are molested or turned into drones dependent on authority figures for everything.
You haven't the slightest idea what you're babbling about.
Forty-five percent of schools reported having a computer for each student
They don't need one computer for each student because they aren't all using them at the same time.