New Hampshire Predictions


Abreast of the situations

1) Obama
2) Hillary
3) Edwards


1) McCain
2) Romney
3) Huckleberry

I know Hillary is way up in the polls but i think momentum will shift fast from the Iowa fall out.
I predict an Obama squeaker win over Hillary (3-5%) and a fairly large McCain win over Romney (8-10%). No one else will be close to winning on either side (Huck and Edwards distant thirds). Once again, RonPaul will beat Giuliani.

1) Obama
2) Hillary
3) Edwards


1) McCain
2) Romney
3) Huckleberry

I know Hillary is way up in the polls but i think momentum will shift fast from the Iowa fall out.


1) Obama
2) Hitlary
3) yeah, there won't be anyone else close to those two


1) McCain 36%
2) Romney 30%
3) Ron Paul edges Rudy in a surprise 13% to 12%

Huckabee gets fifth with 7%, Thompson realizes he is an idiot for staying in this long and gets 2% from people who watch law and order.

1) Obama
2) Hitlary
3) yeah, there won't be anyone else close to those two


1) McCain 36%
2) Romney 30%
3) Ron Paul edges Rudy in a surprise 13% to 12%

Huckabee gets fifth with 7%, Thompson realizes he is an idiot for staying in this long and gets 2% from people who watch law and order.
He does look amazingly like that guy from Law & Order.
Wow, Paul over Huckabee and no Romney need attend?

That's right!!

Actually I have no idea whos polling higher now, just with NH history I think Paul can do very well {look at Buchannan} and beat Huck and Romney sucks imo and will continue the decline.

1) Obama
2) Hillary
3) Edwards


1) McCain
2) Romney
3) Huckleberry

I know Hillary is way up in the polls but i think momentum will shift fast from the Iowa fall out.


That's right!!

Actually I have no idea whos polling higher now, just with NH history I think Paul can do very well {look at Buchannan} and beat Huck and Romney sucks imo and will continue the decline.

I doubt huckabee does as well as you project in NH. He would be extremely lucky to pull double digits there. This is McCains state with Romney falling due to his ass kicking in Iowa. Ron Paul will attract more of the rebelious NH voters than many think. He will pull the third place away from Rudy.

1. Clinton
2. Obama
3. Edwards

(It may be possible for Obama to edge her out if some of her support goes to Edwards as well but I'll put it down).


1) McCain
2) Romney
3) Paul


1. Clinton
2. Obama
3. Edwards

(It may be possible for Obama to edge her out if some of her support goes to Edwards as well but I'll put it down).


1) McCain
2) Romney
3) Paul

Paul takes third!...well I gotta give ya credit for persistence...but thats about the best I can offer except for a later condolence!:D

1) Obama
2) Hillary
3) Edwards


1) McCain
2) Romney
3) Huckleberry

I know Hillary is way up in the polls but i think momentum will shift fast from the Iowa fall out.

Looks right to me.
Obama Edwards Clinton again

McCain Paul (Remember this states motto is Live Free or Die!) and Huckleberry

I hear tell that the Republicans in NH don't cotton to Romney all that well. One of their former Repub Governors is supporting McCain

Obama Edwards Clinton again

McCain Paul (Remember this states motto is Live Free or Die!) and Huckleberry

I hear tell that the Republicans in NH don't cotton to Romney all that well. One of their former Repub Governors is supporting McCain

and the state of Nevada's motto is 'Battleborne'...but only applies to Northern Nevada...things change over the years...;)