New Hampshire Predictions

New Hampshire Predictions


1) Ron Paul

2) Obama

3) Edwards


1) Ron Paul

2) Ron Paul

3) Ron Paul

1) Obama
2) Hillary
3) Edwards


1) McCain
2) Romney
3) Huckleberry

I know Hillary is way up in the polls but i think momentum will shift fast from the Iowa fall out.

Way to jump the gun Chap. :)

I'm gonna wait for a few days, to see if there's any polling data.
Is NH considered more liberal or less on the dem side.
And if Obama wins by more than 5% are Hillary/Edwards done?
Is NH considered more liberal or less on the dem side.
And if Obama wins by more than 5% are Hillary/Edwards done?

Hillary won't be done till the last drop.

Both Hillary and Obama have well over $100 million in the bank and are prepared to battle it out across the nation. Edward's relatively weak second place showing in Iowa means that he is mostly out of the race since he was counting on winning there and getting more money. Without the win, he doesn't have the credibility or the funds to compete with Obama and Hillary in the other states.

What does negative mean? Attacking someones policies or positions is completely acceptable in my view as long as it is not done in a slanderous fashion or tries to misrepresent.

Huckleberry has gotten a lot of support from the FairTax crowd and Paul should show he is the better choice on taxes.

I kind of think he should take some swipes at McCain too, showing that he is the maverick that can get crossover and independent votes.
What does negative mean? Attacking someones policies or positions is completely acceptable in my view as long as it is not done in a slanderous fashion or tries to misrepresent.

Huckleberry has gotten a lot of support from the FairTax crowd and Paul should show he is the better choice on taxes.

I kind of think he should take some swipes at McCain too, showing that he is the maverick that can get crossover and independent votes.

I have no problem with it other than the Reagan pic is a little decieving since he's attacked Reagans policies. I'd obviously prefer his tax stance over Huckabees since I openly support Paul.
I predict the strongest Republican canidate, John McCain, winning, and beginning his momentum to the nomination to face either some guys wife, or some Joe...
Zogby had Paul at 10% in Iowa and 10% is exactly what he got.

Zogby has Paul at 6% in NH and that's about what I expect he will come away with.

This is where the real fun begins as all the Paultards and Ronbots gather excuses for their messiahs failings .. and people like me get to have great joy-joy bashing the Ronbots to death.

DAMN .. guess those scientific polls are useful after all.

Who would have thunk it?
I predict the strongest Republican canidate, John McCain, winning, and beginning his momentum to the nomination to face either some guys wife, or some Joe...

McCain is an after-thought who can attribute his "resurgence" to the miserable republican field .. which is so miserable than even a yokel like Huckabee can come in first.
Zogby had Paul at 10% in Iowa and 10% is exactly what he got.

Zogby has Paul at 6% in NH and that's about what I expect he will come away with.

This is where the real fun begins as all the Paultards and Ronbots gather excuses for their messiahs failings .. and people like me get to have great joy-joy bashing the Ronbots to death.

DAMN .. guess those scientific polls are useful after all.

Who would have thunk it?

There was one poll that had him at 10%. Zogby isn't even known for being very accurate anyway. Most polls had him at six percent in Iowa. Most polls have him at eight percent in NH.
Is NH considered more liberal or less on the dem side.
And if Obama wins by more than 5% are Hillary/Edwards done?

New Hampshire is not liberal at all, it's very Libertarian. A social cons like Huckabee won't do well there, and most likely, neither will an economic populist like Edwards.

It's McCain and Romney on the R side, and Clinton and Obama on the D side. After that, the dynamics change in upcoming states, where both Huckabee and Edwards can do better...but, if a candidate were to come out of NH with the big momentum on their side, then an Edwards or a Huckabee could be doomed very early on.
Hillary won't be done till the last drop.

Both Hillary and Obama have well over $100 million in the bank and are prepared to battle it out across the nation. Edward's relatively weak second place showing in Iowa means that he is mostly out of the race since he was counting on winning there and getting more money. Without the win, he doesn't have the credibility or the funds to compete with Obama and Hillary in the other states.

I agree Hillary is in until Super Tuesday no matter what.

But if Edwards shows stronger than expected in NH, and were to win S Carolina, then the whole D field changes. But, I don't really expect that to happen. If he loses S carolina I would expect he'd be out by Super Tuesday.
If the race is Huckabee vs. Edwards, Bloomberg could win. Huckabee and Edwards pull from each other. Bloomberg would be the only secular, rational, anti-fearmongering, anti-populist running. Also, the fact that Edwards would be more competitve with the Republicans in the southern states would mean that Bloomberg very well could win a few border states because of vote-splitting.

But if Obama wins the Democratic primary, our next president is Obama.
I agree with your republican predictions however I think Richardson is going to surprise. He seemed to have a lot of audience members agreeing with him and focus groups he got a lot of people over to his side.

1) Obama
2) Hillary
3) Edwards


1) McCain
2) Romney
3) Huckleberry

I know Hillary is way up in the polls but i think momentum will shift fast from the Iowa fall out.

Im sticking with my predictions even with the shady things going on in NH on the Dem side.

1. Clinton
2. Obama
3. Edwards

(It may be possible for Obama to edge her out if some of her support goes to Edwards as well but I'll put it down).


1) McCain
2) Romney
3) Paul

I didn't do too bad. I thought NH would be more sane than voting for Huckabee over Paul... My bad.
