New Mexico Governor Suspends 1st Amendment...

so do a lot of traditional and feminine women...........

SOME of them said no.

the 17th Amendment should be repealed, yes. there was a very good reason they said no.

I see that I was absolutely correct about feminists using emotion instead of logic and reason.

my dear, you couldn't own the lint in your belly button........that's how far off the reservation you are.

Well said.
did guns overcome tyranny in 1776?

Did guns prevent President Madison from imprisoning writers who published criticisms against himself and Congress? Madison was a Founding Father and, as the second president, signed into the law the Sedition Act of 1798, which allowed for political opponents to be jailed and fined.

The truth is that American history is littered with moments where the Second Amendment failed to prevent tyranny. I've only cited three examples, but there are many more.
History has shown that the 2A is a stupid concept. For example, the 2A didn't prevent the federal government from infringing upon the rights of Japanese and Italian Americans during WW2, nor does it prevent the NSA from infringing upon your and my 4A rights.

Since guns don't prevent tyranny, what good is the 2A?

I stopped an aircraft theft with my gun.
People have stopped theft of their shops with a gun.
The police carry a gun for reason.
Guns were used to eject Antifa and BLM fucks from smaller towns.

Guns don't prevent tyranny, but they CAN be used to keep it from spreading or from being pervasive. Perhaps you should look at the result of the Governor or New Mexico banning the 2nd amendment. The revolt was really quite something.

The 2nd amendment covers more than just guns as well. It covers EVERY WEAPON.

Too bad you don't understand what an inherent right is.
I stopped an aircraft theft with my gun.
People have stopped theft of their shops with a gun.
The police carry a gun for reason.
Guns were used to eject Antifa and BLM fucks from smaller towns.

Guns don't prevent tyranny, but they CAN be used to keep it from spreading or from being pervasive. Perhaps you should look at the result of the Governor or New Mexico banning the 2nd amendment. The revolt was really quite something.

The 2nd amendment covers more than just guns as well. It covers EVERY WEAPON.

Too bad you don't understand what an inherent right is.

“Inherent right” is just a philosophical concept. We're primates with big brains. There are no gods or “inherent rights.” We as a collective determine what rights we have.

Question: Do I have the right to own a nuclear weapon?
You raise a really good point. Should Japanese Americans have taken up arms against the government?
Nah. Just the fucks trying to lock them up.
Seems like this is the EXACT situation that is constantly cited by the 2A supporters. We both know what would have happened in that situation. Lots of dead Japanese Americans, but the internment camps would still have been there. Because a force of civilians armed with guns will simply be wiped out by a guy in a room controlling a drone.
No drone.
Which is why that argument is entirely irrelevant in modern times.
Easy fix. Shoot down the drone. Then shoot whoever comes to claim it.
But STY wants to go back to the 1840's and he would most likely have sided with the Confederacy.
You are describing yourself again.
ITN/IBDM/GFM is a moron with a troubling case of split personality. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Inherent right” is just a philosophical concept. We're primates with big brains. There are no gods or “inherent rights.” We as a collective determine what rights we have.

Question: Do I have the right to own a nuclear weapon?

The prevailing court ruling says if you can't carry it, the 2nd amendment doesn't cover it. Fact. You are, unfortunately, responding to a moron.
“Inherent right” is just a philosophical concept.
No, inherent right is inherent. ALL living creatures have the inherent right to defend themselves to the best of their ability.
We're primates with big brains.
We are not primates.
There are no gods or “inherent rights.”
No god necessary.
We as a collective determine what rights we have.
WRONG. Inherent rights are inherent. They aren't up for vote.
Question: Do I have the right to own a nuclear weapon?
Yes. You have the right to use it in self defense as well.

As with all weapons, you are responsible for it's use and storage.
ITN/IBDM/GFM is a moron with a troubling case of split personality. Nothing more, nothing less.

Your problem, Sock. You are describing yourself again.

I am in Washington. I happen to be Christian. I run my own business. I am an engineer and a scientist. IBDaMann is in Virginia. I do not know his occupation, but he is very familiar with theories of science and mathematics. He is an atheist. gfm7175 is in Wisconsin. He is a Christian (different sect than me). I do not know his occupation, but he learned science, mathematics, logic, philosophy, and engineering from IBDaMann and me.

IBDaMann lately has taken to producing meme images. It was a rough start, but he's getting pretty good. gfm7175 produced the Lispy Leftist's List of Buzzword, now quite extensive. I created a list of numbered Mantras that fucks like you repeat endlessly (because your masters told you to). I use them for more repetitive cases like you.

We are friends of each other with a common political interest. We support the Constitution of the United States, unlike you. We support the constitutions of the various States, unlike you. We support theories of science, unlike you. We support mathematics, unlike you. We support logic, unlike you. We understand how words like 'science', 'mathematics', 'logic', 'reality', 'fact', 'gender', 'sex', are defined and used, unlike you.

You are an actual sock. You've appeared under the names of Dutch Doc, Sybil, Concart, Swan, Cypress, etc.; on this on other forums. Your only purpose is to hijack threads and spread your hate. You post because you are a miserable lonely fuck with a nothing for a life, suffering from a mental disorder for which there is no treatment available.

So you make shit up. Your crappy fiction and hate is the only life you have. You deny and discard the Constitution and then try to hide behind it. You deny and discard science and then try to hide behind it. You deny and discard logic and then try to hide behind it.

All you do is derail threads to satisfy your own miserable existence.
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The prevailing court ruling says if you can't carry it, the 2nd amendment doesn't cover it. Fact. You are, unfortunately, responding to a moron.

No court has the authority to change the Constitution of the United States nor may ban or limit an inherent right.
Quote Originally Posted by NiftyNiblick View Post

We should have smart enough lawyers to do that now.

I would say the LAST people you want in charge of writing your constitution should be lawyers.....and that's coming from a lawyer......
You mean the bunch of old white slave owners that wouldn't allow women to vote? Those Founding Fathers?
