New Movies

A Family Movie: 'Aladdin'. A Disney Movie, adventure, musical, romance. (Will Smith is the Genie)

Godzilla King of the Monster rules.

Best of The Godzilla movies yet. The ole boy initially gets his big lizard ass handed to him by Ghydora but with an assist by humanity and Mothra Godzilla wipes the floor with Ghydora in epic fashion. The best part is Boston gets destroyed.
Rodan is a serious bad ass too. Particularly for humans but he learns the hard way...don’t mess with the Queen of Monsters.
Spoiler alert.

I made one prediction about the movie and I was right. Mothra saves the day by sacrificing herself. Anyone who is a real fan of Japanese Kaiju movies will know my prediction was a pretty obvious one.
"Edge of Tomorrow sequel in the works, Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt expected to return"

"Edge of Tomorrow starred Cruise as Major William Cage, a public relations officer with no training who is thrown on the frontlines of a war against aliens. He soon finds himself caught in a loop and being resurrected each time he’s killed. By Cage’s side is the badass Sgt. Rita Vrataski (Blunt), nicknamed the Angel of Verdun.'

Badass Rita would probably frighten you, Phantasmal. You should probably avoid this Movie. (she puts a bullet in Tom Cruise's head about a hundred times)
I saw "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" today. It was pretty good. I'm not sure if movies are not as good or, as we age, we've just seen the same thing too many times.