APP - New poll on AGW beliefs

Good one. Did you still that from your 11 yr old friend?

No, it came from the same book of 5th grade schoolyard insults you got your ridiculous dick/vagina putdown.

I figured if you weren't willing to man up and give me a straight answer, the next best thing would be to try it down at your level.
No, it came from the same book of 5th grade schoolyard insults you got your ridiculous dick/vagina putdown.

I figured if you weren't willing to man up and give me a straight answer, the next best thing would be to try it down at your level.

A straight answer on the difference between a carbon tax and inflation?
34% of those polled are morons.
The opinion of AGW deniers is irrelevant, because they're wrong. If 34% of the people say the earth revolves around the sun, they're still right. We're the good guys in this fight, you're the guys who make a huge logical leap in the face of overwhelming evidence destroying your belief.
Hey...looks like tinfoil finally got that "intelligent debate" he has been clamoring for on this site!

it's too bad the warmers are represented by the likes of watertard. Dude is calling for people to be imprisoned. LOL And you have the nerve to take issue with me? Fuck off
The opinion of AGW deniers is irrelevant, because they're wrong. If 34% of the people say the earth revolves around the sun, they're still right. We're the good guys in this fight, you're the guys who make a huge logical leap in the face of overwhelming evidence destroying your belief.
But there are actually hard facts that show that the earth revolves around the sun. I can take all of Gallileo's observations and repeat them for myself. Can't do that with AGWer's because they hide their data. They don't want me to see it. They don't want me to know about the problems with tree rings and other shit. They, in short, are not as forth coming as Gallileo.
The opinion of AGW deniers is irrelevant, because they're wrong. If 34% of the people say the earth revolves around the sun, they're still right. We're the good guys in this fight, you're the guys who make a huge logical leap in the face of overwhelming evidence destroying your belief.

If the AGW fear mongers had overwhelming evidence.... then WHY don't they release the raw data Water?