New school shooting

Have you figured out the race and the political affiliation yet of all the victims? That way you can decide whether or not you should give a shit about the victims. Or are you too busy pointing fingers at people who believe in the 2nd amendment.

How was the world improved by that lunatic exercising his 2nd amendment rights? Twenty beautiful angels killed and all you can do is make fun of the situation.
Given the number of casualties being reported, I don't think there is any doubt that it was an automatic or semiautomatic weapon.

When I first heard about it they were only reporting 1 or 2 killed, now as more has come out it was a semi auto, also heard one report that he also had 2 handguns.
you can either take the bill of rights as textual, or you can 'interpret' them. Beware though, if you 'interpret' them, then your wall of church and state is subject to interpretation. you idiots fail to realize that your 'no right is absolute' crap can be just as easily used against you by forcing you to deal with christianity in courthouses and city hall front yards.

People are not killed by a Christian emblem on a Courthouse wall.

They are not absolute and thats why we get Christmas as a national holiday. All of these laws have limits and almost any absolute should be limited. I am angery. Im angery at what happened, I personally belive that Gun Wacks are promoting a nation that is less safe for my children.

Yes, they have. Both.

That's a little disingenuous, though. I thought the same thing, but we all know it's not the same thing.

I promised myself that I wouldn't wade into the political aspect of this, but guns & gun rights will always be a divisive issue, because there is a large segment of the population that feels as though guns make them safe, and a large segment of the population that feels as though guns make them unsafe.

I fall into the latter group, but have always respected the founders & the consitution, and the fact that there is that large segment of the population that feels differently from me. Still, it's hard for me to help feeling this way - I just wish that guns didn't exist.
That's a little disingenuous, though. I thought the same thing, but we all know it's not the same thing.

I promised myself that I wouldn't wade into the political aspect of this, but guns & gun rights will always be a divisive issue, because there is a large segment of the population that feels as though guns make them safe, and a large segment of the population that feels as though guns make them unsafe.

I fall into the latter group, but have always respected the founders & the consitution, and the fact that there is that large segment of the population that feels differently from me. Still, it's hard for me to help feeling this way - I just wish that guns didn't exist.

The point isn't to "make me safe", the point is to ensure the government doesn't feel safe.
That's a little disingenuous, though. I thought the same thing, but we all know it's not the same thing.

I promised myself that I wouldn't wade into the political aspect of this, but guns & gun rights will always be a divisive issue, because there is a large segment of the population that feels as though guns make them safe, and a large segment of the population that feels as though guns make them unsafe.

I fall into the latter group, but have always respected the founders & the consitution, and the fact that there is that large segment of the population that feels differently from me. Still, it's hard for me to help feeling this way - I just wish that guns didn't exist.

Liking guns because they make you feel safe I can understand. I disagree, but I understand. Liking guns because you think you need an arsenal of high-powered weaponry for armed insurrection in some delusional battle against tyranny is the shit that makes me fucking bananas.
The point isn't to "make me safe", the point is to ensure the government doesn't feel safe.

I feel like that aspect of gun rights is archaic, though. It's not applicable anymore. It applied when our gov't was smaller, and the military was a bunch of guys with muskets & bayonets.

No militia today, armed with just guns, could hope to match the government in terms of force. We control our gov't through votes.
The point isn't to "make me safe", the point is to ensure the government doesn't feel safe.

That point was lost LONG ago. Do you think the Government has not felt save in the last 100 years. They have tanks and armored vehicles, nuclear weapons, RPG's and much more. If that was the point, its lost and can be done away with the second this instant.
People are not killed by a Christian emblem on a Courthouse wall.
still irrelevant. it really weakens any argument you make.

They are not absolute and thats why we get Christmas as a national holiday. All of these laws have limits and almost any absolute should be limited. I am angery. Im angery at what happened, I personally belive that Gun Wacks are promoting a nation that is less safe for my children.
and I personally believe you got your law degree from a box of crackerjacks. one is as right as the other.

yes, it SHOULD make you angry, that you idiots touted 'police are there to protect us, so we don't need guns', but look what happens and look how you ignore your failure.