New school shooting

Then show some statistics showing voting and speech killed 18 children and 10 adults.

I'l be waiting.
it's not necessary to do such, especially at your demand or request. The bill of rights didn't begin with 'these can be rated according to your feelings'. They ARE, however, basic and fundamental rights that the founders forbid the federal government from restricting in any way, shape, or form.
Yeah I get emotional when people lie to me or about me.

Its called integrity and respect for whats real.

You on the other hand think its some badge of courage to have no emotions when you FUCKING lie like there is no tomarrow.
Shooter was the son of a teacher. Great parenting! I've met tons of the liberals in Newtown (lived there for 7 years) and their kids are always the latch-key type who have everything they could ever want and still consider themselves poor. I bet this kid was getting back at mommy and he's played so many hours of violent video games he didn't feel a thing as he shot children to death.

Hooray for violent video games!! /sarc
Nonsense. Sweden and Canada are both well-armed per capita without this issue.

So we shouldn't arm our cops because some nutter can go in and GET the guns they want to kill people with...

That's just inane.
I really don't want to hear political bullshit about this right now. This shit is happening far to often and far to many innocents are dying. Something needs to be done. We need real workable solutions to a serious problem and not more acrimonious political bickering.
I really don't want to hear political bullshit about this right now. This shit is happening far to often and far to many innocents are dying. Something needs to be done. We need real workable solutions to a serious problem and not more acrimonious political bickering.

So, when Desh politicized it in the first post on the subject on this board you wanted to hear it, but suddenly don't when somebody answers? Hypocrite much, Mott?
Shooter was the son of a teacher. Great parenting! I've met tons of the liberals in Newtown (lived there for 7 years) and their kids are always the latch-key type who have everything they could ever want and still consider themselves poor. I bet this kid was getting back at mommy and he's played so many hours of violent video games he didn't feel a thing as he shot children to death.

Hooray for violent video games!! /sarc

and look at your deluded ass.

no human being shoots people like this kid did unless they are full blown insane.

Blaming the victims is pretty cold hearted shit you troll
Yeah I get emotional when people lie to me or about me.

Its called integrity and respect for whats real.
no, it's called irrational behavior. it's why the government system was set up to run slower than molasses in january so that your knee jerk reactions wouldn't limit our freedoms.
Why do you think you can just go along and pretend you did not just edit my post so you could pretend I didnt answer you?

I will NEVER forget it no matter what fucking game you try to play
I did not edit your post, moron. I quoted ONLY the portion relevant to what you replied to. anything else is just your hyperbole.