New school shooting

On the other hand, many Founders came to the conclusion that the English Constitution had failed because it was unwritten and subject to interpretation. They determined that having a written document would help alleviate this problem (some pragmatists privately conceeded that a written constitution could still be bastardized by the courts and officials).
It won't be immediate. Change isn't. Over ten, twenty years we can take the guns out of the hands of the people and criminals. It'll be a long, hard fight, but well worth it as our nation finally becomes civilized.
then i'll ask you the same question I asked many bodies is worth it to you?
tell us how you think you can stop them

[h=3]2. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.[/h] Maybe, but people with guns kill many, many more people than they would if they didn't have guns, and guns designed to kill as many people as possible. We don't know if the murderer in Newtown was suffering from a suicidal depression, but many mass shooters in the past were. And guess what? People suffer from suicidal depression everywhere in the world. People get angry and upset everywhere in the world. But there aren't mass shootings every few weeks in England or Costa Rica or Japan, and the reason is that people in those places who have these impulses don't have an easy way to access lethal weapons and unlimited ammunition. But if you want to kill large numbers of people and you happen to be an American, you'll find it easy to do.
It won't be immediate. Change isn't. Over ten, twenty years we can take the guns out of the hands of the people and criminals. It'll be a long, hard fight, but well worth it as our nation finally becomes civilized.

We've tried to take alcohol and drugs away from people without success. How will we succeed with guns?
then you have comprehension problems.

Then help me comprehend. I think this makes perfect sense.

[h=3]6. The Constitution says I have a right to own guns.[/h] Yes it does, but for some reason gun advocates think that the right to bear arms is the only constitutional right that is virtually without limit. You have the right to practice your religion, but not if your religion involves human sacrifice. You have the right to free speech, but you can still be prosecuted for incitement or conspiracy, and you can be sued for libel. Every right is subject to limitation when it begins to threaten others, and the Supreme Court has affirmed that even though there is an individual right to gun ownership, the government can put reasonable restrictions on that right.
yes there is.

It also involves medical treatment for EVERYONE including comprehensive mental health care

meant in regarding to banning guns.

all liberals see the failure of the drug war, and the failure of prohibition and opening a black market that only furthers violent gang war. they see how it's an absolute failure in every way, but the logic flies out the window when it comes to guns.

They see how with a ban on drugs, it's easier for a child to get weed than it is to get alcohol, because now criminal elements have no compunctions dealing with anyone that has the cash.

It makes no sense that they can hold different views for similar problems. The only answer as to why they do is because they are self serving hypocrites.
there's some logic for you. 'criminals never follow the law, so we need tougher laws'. good one, idiot.







Why do you care? Y'all are seceding, remember?

Is that a good thing? How many gun deaths are the result of alcohol and drugs?

You said we can be a gun free society in ten or twenty years. I'm asking you how you think that would happen (what would be the steps taken from where we are today to wear you envision us in 20 years).