New school shooting

I cannot stop crying. I called my niece on her cell even though she is in school now to tell her i love her. I would rather be dead, oh so much rather, than have this be my niece or nephew. My heart is broken for these little children and those who loved them.
With pro- and anti- gun people finding common ground and at least agreeing that expanded access to mental health services would be an unquestionable good thing that we should all devote more resources to?

Edit: And, yes, I did say that last post was one more thing.

I think that's one thing ObamaCare will help with accomplishing. A quick conversation while having the yearly physical just might expose a few people.
Dead children is less important than gun rights. Get over it takers. You can't fucking stop this shit. It blows my mind that you fucking liberal idiots understand that banning stuff ( with regards to the drug war) does not fucking work but that you don't see that it's the same thing with guns. If someone is crazy and fucked up enough to kill kids they are going to find a way regardless .
I re-read this thread looking for just one post from gun nuts that expresses horror about this shooting and anguish for those precious children. Maybe you can point one out.

we are on constant defense from you takers. It's very fucked up these kids were killed..... But make no mistake...... I would rather have thousands of dead kids each year than lose our right to have guns.
18 Children, possible more are dead this morning.

Their parents sent them to school today and will never get hear them laugh, hug or kiss them again.

Wayne LaPirre and the NRA live a Wild West frontier fantasy world where guns only hold six shots and they worry about indians and rustlers.

You don't kill 27 people with a Colonial era weapon.
Ugh. Not going to participate in this thread anymore. Might cry. 27 dead. 14 are children.

CBS is saying "at least 18" are children. I've texted my wife who works at a Middle School... :(

The gunman entered a kindergarten and opened up...
18 Children, possible more are dead this morning.

Their parents sent them to school today and will never get hear them laugh, hug or kiss them again.

Wayne LaPirre and the NRA live a Wild West frontier fantasy world where guns only hold six shots and they worry about indians and rustlers.

You don't kill 27 people with a Colonial era weapon.

you really seem heartbroken about the loss of life.

like Obuttfuck always says "don't let a crisis go to waste"
18 Children, possible more are dead this morning.

Their parents sent them to school today and will never get hear them laugh, hug or kiss them again.

Wayne LaPirre and the NRA live a Wild West frontier fantasy world where guns only hold six shots and they worry about indians and rustlers.

You don't kill 27 people with a Colonial era weapon.

they were cited as having multiple weapons
Learn to read, you ignorant fuck.

Also, too, (and this will likely be my last political comment) deluded fucks like you that prioritize your half-baked delusions of armed insurrection over the lives of children (any yes, that is what you do) make me fucking sick.

What? Nothing for the people who were already politicizing it as they reported it?
There were 20 parents that were just told that their children were dead

It's unbearable to think about. It really is.

Everyone is immediately talking about guns, but this kind of stuff goes to something deeper. There is something wrong with our culture right now. We shouldn't be reading about the latest school, mall or theater shooting a few times a year.

I don't know if there is any solution. But this kind of thing is really unbearable.
I cannot stop crying. I called my niece on her cell even though she is in school now to tell her i love her. I would rather be dead, oh so much rather, than have this be my niece or nephew. My heart is broken for these little children and those who loved them.

And being so close to Christmas. The gifts bought and the anticipation of looking forward to their smiling faces as they opened their presents.

The families and friends will always be reminded every holiday. What a tragedy. :(
Learn to read, you ignorant fuck.

Also, too, (and this will likely be my last political comment) deluded fucks like you that prioritize your half-baked delusions of armed insurrection over the lives of children (any yes, that is what you do) make me fucking sick.

I can't even, I had to put half this thread on IA.
And being so close to Christmas. The gifts bought and the anticipation of looking forward to their smiling faces as they opened their presents.

The families and friends will always be reminded every holiday. What a tragedy. :(

Yes, I know, I have been haunted by this thought, these little kids were dreaming of Santa only this morning. Their parents, I don't know what to say, I personally would commit suicide, period. I guess if you have other children who depend on you, it becomes more complicated, but if you only have one, or if you are not the parent but like me, an aunt (or other relative) who loves this child, I would just kill myself today. I would not want to go on. I know this, because I have been through it but not with a child. And I know for sure, I would simply just check out. It would be time for me.