there apparently is a Ryan Lanza from the same town as the school shooting who turns out to not be the guy. he was getting flamed on Facebook and was like shut up its not me! Ps I heard this second hand I'm not on Facebook to remind everyone
if you try to take our weapons, yes. I will.
and your idiotic hypocrisy is worse.Their silence is a G-D disgrace.
try reading what I wrote first.and there you have it.
if this country decides to make stronger gun laws some on the right admitt they will kill us and our children
You'd rather snuff 'em out with forceps and vacuum cleaner....?
we are on constant defense from you takers. It's very fucked up these kids were killed..... But make no mistake...... I would rather have thousands of dead kids each year than lose our right to have guns.
Their silence is a G-D disgrace.
you have guns and said you will fight forever.
If this country chooses to vote for gun control will you start killing us for it?
It's not unusual for a tragedy like this to end up with the parents divorcing compounding the problem for the other children.
I did a quick Google "Timeline: School violence in the U.S."
Following is just three examples from the site.
Barry Loukaitis, 14, Frontier Junior High , Washington Feb 2/96. Life in prison
Michael Carmeal, 14, West Padacah Dec 1/97 Kentucky. Life in prison
Nathaniel Brazill, 13, Lake Worth, Florida. May 26/00. 28 years in prison.
I was wondering about people's views on the length of sentence for those three boys. 13 and 14 year olds sentenced to life in prison.
You fucking Ghouls. These children's bodies are not even out of the school yet and you want to politicize this? Parents are still waiting to hear if their children are dead? If their homes are going to be less one child for Christmas. I have TWO boys who are in first grade. THE ONLY thing I can think is how horrible this is for at least 18 families.
This is trolling, right?
and this will pose a constitutional dilemma, once you start denying rights to those with beliefs you don't like. never gonna happen.
stop worshiping guns over people
I just heard ABC News report 20 kids were killed... These were kindergartners. This would kill me. I'd have nothing left if one of these kids were mine.
you said I would kill kids... The depths of your depravity and horrible accusations know no bounds
I think he is worshiping freedom over tyranny.
No one wants to try and erase guns from America.
If they do they are being illogical.
The right today SCREAMS their bloody heads off and threatens their fellow americans when any gun legislation is mentioned.
Its the right who refuses to allow us to deal with this mess