New Secy of Defense (BLACK MAN) shuts down military 60 days to combat racism!!!

It matters because blacks are extremely inferior mentally. This general probably can't even read. It's all been affirmative action for him and he wants more AA for all blacks.

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.

Right, there is no evidence of Black equality.
The Germans are constantly hyperventilating over claims of Right Wing extremists in the ranks.....even though over all the years and times they have played this game and all the energy they have put into this game they have come up with very little in the way of proof.

This is what we are in for...The Revolution is going to constantly remind us what thoughts are allowed and which ones are not....the military will model where the current line is.