New translation of Karl Marx's "Capital."

^^Typical right wing asshole. Knows nothing. But will continue to call others "marxist" without have a goddam idea what it is.
Paul North: "The capital system works its Sisyphean magic much more quickly. Its forces — production and reproduction, competition, crisis — keep capital distributing the surplus to the capitalists, by iron necessity. That is because capital is not inert — it depends on a combination of violations: extraction of resources to their exhaustion while returning contamination to the earth; expropriation of land, resources, populations, and lives once external to the system; extortion of labor from laborers; exploitation of labor to produce unrecompensed surplus value." No wonder you're such a clueless dunce who sees virtue in Marxism.

Paul North
"David Ricardo wrote a book in 1817 whose stated objective was to discover “the laws that regulate the distribution of the produce of the earth.” Fifty years later, Marx argued that distribution of wealth is on one hand a superficial effect of a much deeper process and on the other hand a deceptive appearance that takes us away from confronting that deeper process. Market societies don’t have wealth; they have capital. And the capital in them is unequally distributed, for sure. Only capitalists have it; workers by and large don’t, or don’t have much. (According to the economics blog the Motley Fool, the top 10 percent in the United States owns 87 percent of stocks. The global situation is much starker, of course.)
More evidence of how clueless Marx was and why everyone who has ever implemented his warped delusional ideas has failed.

I would think that more than a hundred years of failure would have settled this debate long ago. But then, this doesn't account for uneducated morons who lack any historical depth or perspective who want to keep doing what they have always done and hasn't worked.
Everyone should at least try to understand the first few chapters of Capital volume 1. It quickly becomes clear why we the people have the power.
Everyone with at least half a brain has realized that after one hundred years of failure, Marxism is a dumb and lunatic idea.

The Enduring Influence of Marx’s Masterpiece​

Indeed, what Marx’s work forever challenged was not only capitalism’s exploitative nature and commodifying effects, for which he is readily known, but the reduction of economics to markets and thus to a domain of knowledge and practice imagined to be independent of social relations, histories, laws, family forms, politics, policing, religion, language, representation, and psyche.

How is capitalism exploitive? Be specific.

Does it force one to work for less than they think they are worth? How so?

Does it force one to buy goods and services one does not want? How so?