Street Glider
Verified User
Metinks perhaps not good to give teh idiots ideas.
Bah, Mini-14s suck anyway. Definitely not the best Ruger gun to be had.
Ahh.. I just it should think it should be better than what it is. Basically an M1 bolt and Ruger knows how to make barrels, but wtf is going on there? You know what I'd rather have? A good-shooting HMR.
I know, I'm a weirdo. Or a .357 rifle.
Or the actual real-deal Springfield M14. That's a nice gun. Or an M1..they have those in GA. You have to pay if you wanna scope it, though.
Whether a gun is a quality firearm or not isn't really germane to the discussion, though.
The fact is that the idiot left gets a nice, warm fuzzy feeling when they ban one gun, but choose to leave a gun which is virtually identical on the market.
They accomplish nothing...