New York City Is A Shithole

Does NYC publish a poop map yet? Otherwise they are nowhere as shitty as that shithole on the Worst Coast, San Francisco... Does NYC allow people to run around in public naked? San Fran does! Yea, I figure De Blaizie has that on his "to do" list and just hasn't gotten to it yet...
Cracks you up when a Trumpkin, who probably lives in some gated community somewhere, dumps on NYC, if it weren’t for cities as NYC or Chicago America would look like Albania
It's always sad to see what happens when great cities are overrun by Leftists....

uneducated goobers from the hinterlands would not last a day in NYC

Easy, racist. Civilization is leaving, or has already left, every fucking place that you hold dear.

Duplicate Detroit has been your national anthem. ;)

Are you daft, you posted a video off of an InfoWars subsidiary as if it had something to offer, “summit news,” too funny

Count on it, NYC will continue to be America’s leading city and one of the world’s greatest cities long after your gated village turns into a trailer park
Are you daft, you posted a video off of an InfoWars subsidiary as if it had something to offer, “summit news,” too funny

Count on it, NYC will continue to be America’s leading city and one of the world’s greatest cities long after your gated village turns into a trailer park
New York's going down, faggot, and all the screaming and foot stamping in the world won't stop it; in fact it will accelerate it.

Now try not to go hoarse during all your shit stained finger pointing. ;)

If that sounds like an exaggeration, just look to the case of Ronald Stolarczyk of Oneida County, New York. He’s now facing felony charges for lawfully protecting himself against criminals without first getting the county’s permission to possess a handgun in his home—something that would cost him hundreds of dollars and months of paperwork.

In New York you have to prove it was self-defense, not just claim it. The law has you guilty of assault, etc., until proven innocent.
It's always sad to see what happens when great cities are overrun by Leftists....

Must be it didn't sell the first time so now we got a regurgitation of the same lame post

Stop crying, if it bothers you that much, don't go there, ever, no one in New York is going to miss you, in fact, they'd probably prefer that you didn't go