New York City Is A Shithole

In New York you have to prove it was self-defense, not just claim it. The law has you guilty of assault, etc., until proven innocent.

Ah, cause it is the law in New York, they have strict gun laws, you have probably never noticed, but New York rates for gun fatalities is one of the lowest in the country (, must be it is working
Must be it didn't sell the first time so now we got a regurgitation of the same lame post

Stop crying, if it bothers you that much, don't go there, ever, no one in New York is going to miss you, in fact, they'd probably prefer that you didn't go
Easy, fuckface. I can lament the passing of this nation. Only a complete asshole would do the contrary.

Of course, you are part of the problem, so that makes you a complete asshole. ;)
One has to ask if mega-cities even make sense any longer.

Not ones with very high urban densities. Those only make sense where there is insufficient land for sprawl. Even public transit is on the way out. In the future, it will be limited to only the highest density routes between the highest density nodes. Why? Because of the self driving vehicle using an intelligent routing system. Companies like Uber and or Waymo are showing the way. Once that technology is proven and widely available it will replace busses, trolleys, and other fixed transit systems entirely. You'll likely still be able to own a vehicle you can drive yourself or a personal self-driving one, but for many they will just pay for the ride when they need to go somewhere.