New York is set to legalize marijuana

"The state of New York is set to legalize recreational marijuana, as lawmakers finalize language of a bill to be passed next week."

"A key part of the pending agreement is aimed at making reparations for the war on marijuana's effect on minority communities. Studies cited by a marijuana advocacy, NGO, show that enforcement of New York's marijuana laws has fallen disproportionately on non-white people. The new deal would reserve tax revenue from marijuana sales for non-white communities, and set aside sales licenses for minority business owners, according to the "New York Times." New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, is reportedly on board with the agreement, which could go to a vote in the Assembly and Senate as early as next week."

What is worse considering the GQP is trying to legalize destroying Democracy and anything else of a civilized nature on Earth?
Maybe a Constitutional Amendment that Prohibits Marijuana would be a Good Idea? (Is that your suggestion, Anatta?)

the elitists learned that prohibition via amendment doesn't work.......thus just make a law and enforce it will hiding behind 'the law'.........

but we haven't been a constitutional republic for decades now......
What are we then?

we're ruled by the current stack of elitists who get to dictate what we can and can't do...........i'd call it despotism, since none of those making the rules are required to abide by them, nor are they held responsible for atrocities committed while enforcing their rules
Maybe the 'Laws' will all be included in one Bill?

No. They are going to "study" it.

The New York State Department of Health will work with institutions of higher education to conduct a controlled research study designed to evaluate methodologies and technologies for the detection of cannabis-impaired driving. After completion of the research study, DOH may create and implement rules and regulations to approve and certify a test for the presence of cannabis in drivers.

The legislation includes additional funding for drug recognition experts and law enforcement to ensure safe roadways.*

The use of cannabis by drivers will remain prohibited.

It worth pointing out that the NYPD only has *two* drug recognition experts covering a city of 8 million people. It's a lengthy education course only offered in Wisconsin to become a DRE deemed expert enough to testify in court.

Any officer can do a field sobriety test for alcohol impairment. It takes an expert to identify impairment by marijuana, so we can expect marijuana impaired driving to proliferate.
No. They are going to "study" it.

It worth pointing out that the NYPD only has *two* drug recognition experts covering a city of 8 million people. It's a lengthy education course only offered in Wisconsin to become a DRE deemed expert enough to testify in court.

Any officer can do a field sobriety test for alcohol impairment. It takes an expert to identify impairment by marijuana, so we can expect marijuana impaired driving to proliferate.

Well, maybe it won't pass then. (?)
It will pass because passing it is the woke thing to do.

Common sense objections are nothing more than racist rationalization.

I would guess that after 15 States and the Country of Canada have legalized weed that NY wouldn't have to re-invent the wheel.
I would guess that after 15 States and the Country of Canada have legalized weed that NY wouldn't have to re-invent the wheel.

You wouldn't really expect the news media or wokesters to discuss how marijuana impaired drivers are routinely skirting the law due to the logistical problems involved in identifying them, do you?
You wouldn't really expect the news media or wokesters to discuss how marijuana impaired drivers are routinely skirting the law due to the logistical problems involved in identifying them, do you?

If you break the law driving, you get pulled over.
You wouldn't really expect the news media or wokesters to discuss how marijuana impaired drivers are routinely skirting the law due to the logistical problems involved in identifying them, do you?
hey have saliva tests now. determines if you have been recently smoking.
I dont know how available they are- but they exist