newbie needs roadmap....


fully immersed in faith..
okay, I get that it seems to be a hobby to create alternative identities on the board, but is there some kind of map or handbook to help people identify who's still who?.....are the avatars the clue or just the opposite....

this 911guy, is that really Watermark or someone mocking Watermark....

USCitizen admits to multiple characters....are the other people with the same avatar his other characters or people making fun of him...

I mean it's hard to tell the difference between what some of these liberals post and what somebody satirizing a stereotype liberal would post.....

911 is WM making fun of USF and usaloy(or whatever its name is).

USC is Demwit and whomever.
now, who is that flock of people who only seem to show up on threads that argue about who's really who....are those alternate identities of people who still post here or past members who only show up to mock each other.....
now, who is that flock of people who only seem to show up on threads that argue about who's really who....are those alternate identities of people who still post here or past members who only show up to mock each other.....
All of the above. The conventional wisdom around here is "Don't Feed The Trolls".
If someone were trying to make a troll of me it would make sense to pick a name that sounded simialar to mine, no?

making a troll of you would be like making a sandwich out of stacked bread, cheese and wouldn't be able to tell the difference, regardless of the name you gave it......
okay, I get that it seems to be a hobby to create alternative identities on the board, but is there some kind of map or handbook to help people identify who's still who?.....are the avatars the clue or just the opposite....

ummm well usually, because so many of us know each other pretty well, it's a lot of times just very obvious to us who is who, based on how they act and how they are writing. Additionaly they may intentionally/unintentionally out themselves.

There are two ways you'll see different names.

A) someone just signs up with a different username.
B) someone asks damo/me/soc to change their name.

In watermarks case, he just asked me to change his name, so I did.

I change my name around all the time too, but everyone knows me as grind, based on the fact that my name is red, my avatar/post count/location/rep are all in line, my sig is the same/ etc
now, who is that flock of people who only seem to show up on threads that argue about who's really who....are those alternate identities of people who still post here or past members who only show up to mock each other.....

im not even completely sure of this question?
You know what I hate? You know what makes me so angrly I could French kiss a badger after garglin with bacon grease?

It's these bow legged fraidy cat librals who can't stand behind what they say. Gotta hide behind some sort of nom der plume instead of comin right out an speaken what they think (that's assumin thars a libral who can think!). And ussly they's doin it to poke fun at some right thinkin American patriot like the dearly departed President Bush or the great radio orator Rush Limbaught or that hot looken dragon lady Michelle Malted.


If'n someone can't stand behind what they write with their real name then they should just keep that big ole pie hole of thars shut tight. You'd never catch any great Amerikan writer like Ellery Queen, O'Henry or Mark Twain hidden behind a made up name, woudl you? Why it's just unAmerikan!

Buttz Out!
You know what I hate? You know what makes me so angrly I could French kiss a badger after garglin with bacon grease?

It's these bow legged fraidy cat librals who can't stand behind what they say. Gotta hide behind some sort of nom der plume instead of comin right out an speaken what they think (that's assumin thars a libral who can think!). And ussly they's doin it to poke fun at some right thinkin American patriot like the dearly departed President Bush or the great radio orator Rush Limbaught or that hot looken dragon lady Michelle Malted.


If'n someone can't stand behind what they write with their real name then they should just keep that big ole pie hole of thars shut tight. You'd never catch any great Amerikan writer like Ellery Queen, O'Henry or Mark Twain hidden behind a made up name, woudl you? Why it's just unAmerikan!

Buttz Out!


Speaking of which is that you D?