News of science and technology around the world

The first flight of the Russian long-haul passenger aircraft Il-96-400M took place.

The flight of the prototype aircraft took place at an altitude of up to 2000 meters, at a speed of up to 390 km/h and lasted 26 minutes. The aircraft can accommodate up to 370 passengers, and the new navigation system is created from Russian components taking into account current international requirements. The aircraft is a modernized version of the Il-96-300, features a fuselage lengthened by 9.35 meters and is equipped with more powerful Russian PS-90A1 engines. The aircraft may have a cargo configuration. The maximum flight range of the Il-96-400M in a two-class passenger configuration is 8.1 thousand km. During the first flight, stability, controllability, systems, and radio equipment were checked.

A futurist engineer from Yemen and Hashim al-Ghaili developed a project for a flying plane-hotel Sky Cruise. The flying nuclear-powered hotel Sky Cruise is capable of carrying up to 5,000 people. The giant plane will fly without pilots. The artificial intelligence system will be in charge of this, but a human will be able to take control at any time. According to the author's idea, the artificial intelligence-controlled Sky Cruise will take to the skies thanks to 20 nuclear-powered engines. According to the creator, this will solve the issue of carbon dioxide emissions. The liner will not need to land on the ground for maintenance, it will be able to fly for years. Everything necessary for a normal life of people will be delivered by electric aircraft. So far, mankind does not have the opportunity to implement such a project. On the other hand, not so long ago, tourist flights into space were also considered science fiction.

Uh and if one of them would happen to crash how would you deal with the nuclear contamination?
Mott, what do you think of the Harbaugh allegations?

Wacko. Please spell his name correctly. It’s Hairball. ;-)

Given what an arrogant and insufferable prick Hairball is and now a certified liar, I think the situation is absolutely hilarious.

I mean that school up North sneers down their oversized noses about how superior they are and would never ever dirty their hands as something as tawdry as this and having their hypocrisy exposed that their poo stinks to is just the funniest things to happen in football.

I mean Hairballs excuse “They started it! They did it first!” Is the kind of reasoning no parent would accept from an 8 year old.

It will be even more funny if Penn St. whoops them today. LOL
Uh and if one of them would happen to crash how would you deal with the nuclear contamination?

Depends on how thorough you want to be. The basic method would be a combination of collection and removal of radioactive materials and then soil removal for radioactive particulates. Most of the later, if at lower levels, is best dealt with simply by waiting a few months for it to decay to acceptable levels.
The Aeromax company announced the launch of production of a new model of the Russian unmanned cargo helicopter SH-3000. The SH-3000 helicopter-type drone was developed very quickly, its development began a year ago. The first prototypes of the helicopter will appear in 2024 and testing will begin then. So far, only civilian versions of drones have been reported. The SH-3000 drone is adapted for flights in difficult weather conditions. The length of the helicopter is about 13 meters. Its maximum speed reaches 210 km/h. The drone is capable of staying in the air for up to five hours and covering a distance of up to 900 km. The cargo drone is designed to transport cargo weighing up to 1000 kilograms. It is planned to use the helicopter in hard-to-reach regions of Russia.

Serial production of Russian UAVs from the Flying Machines of Thuring company from Moscow will begin in Kaluga. The launch of production will take place at the Kaluga Electromechanical Plant. The drones promise two and three times redundancy of all systems, 5 times redundancy of communication channels, and 360-degree video streaming for the pilot. Two aircraft-type UAVs with vertical takeoff and landing will be produced, the T-300 UAV and the TFM-15 UAV. The drones are based on a scalable and easily upgradeable platform. The company's drones are designed primarily for logistics purposes, but drones can be used in other areas: from monitoring to agriculture. Modernization for military functions is also possible. Regarding the characteristics, the TFM-15 UAV has a payload of 15 kg and a flight speed of up to 130 km/h, the standard version has a flight range of 200 km, but there is a hybrid version with an engine-generator that can fly up to 800 kilometers. The T-300 UAV is designed for transporting heavy loads, its payload capacity is up to 130 kg, the flight range is the same 200 km, in a hybrid version up to 1000 km. The company has been carrying out import substitution of components for its UAVs since 2021.

Boston Dynamics showed flexible new robot Atlas

Boston Dynamics presented a new model of the Atlas robot, which it developed jointly with South Korean Hyundai. Now the robot is completely electric, and the hydraulics have been removed. Unlike the previous model of the Atlas robot, which was developed for 11 years and is now not assembled, the new robot has received more powerful drives and has also become more flexible. Now he doesn’t have to walk on two legs, he can fold into different positions. Some users were even frightened by this mobility. The new Atlas robot will be used in production automation; it is reported that the robot is already working at Hyundai factories.

The Dagestan plant Concern KEMZ officially presented the new Russian twin-engine multi-purpose aircraft Alfa-KM. The aircraft is a significantly improved version of the MAI-411 aircraft; for example, due to the use of composites, the Alfa-KM aircraft turned out to be 250 kg lighter than its predecessor. The Russian aircraft - Alfa-KM, is an analogue of the European CS-23 and American FAR-23 aircraft, the demand for small aircraft is growing and its production is now especially relevant. The aircraft is intended for air transportation, air tourism, patrol and other uses in small aviation.
The aircraft is made from Russian components; it was previously reported that the Austrian Rotax 912S engine is used, but there is no data on what it is now. In case of engine failure, the aircraft has a parachute rescue system. Companies from Malaysia, India and Turkey already intend to purchase Dagestani aircraft. The maximum take-off weight of the aircraft is 1250 kg, but it is capable of carrying 4 people over a distance of up to 1500 km, with a cruising speed of up to 250 km/h, at a flight altitude of up to 3000 meters.

New Volga S40, K30 and K40 cars are shown in Russia. At an exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin was shown new cars of the revived Volga brand. Reportedly, they plan to produce three car models: Volga C40 - class D sedan, Volga K30 - class C crossover, Volga K40 - class D crossover. There is no official information yet about the partner who is helping with the revival of the Soviet car brand. The likely donor for Russian cars is the Chinese cars Changan Raeton Plus, Changan Oshan X5 Plus and Changan Uni-Z. It is worth noting that the design of Chinese cars in recent years has become even better than European ones. All three cars use a gasoline engine with a power of 188 horsepower and a torque of 300 Nm. Presumably a seven-speed automatic transmission and a 1.5 liter engine. The cars are equipped with intelligent driver assistance systems, and Russian services are integrated into the multimedia system. Production of the machines will begin in 2024, and from 2025 - in full cycle mode.

Boeing said it is working on a new quality issue for the Boeing 737 MAX and Boeing 787 Dreamliner. It is worth noting that the problem with the quality of Boeing aircraft can already be called a detective story, since two informants who reported them have already died under mysterious circumstances. Bloomberg published a report from Boeing's quality control inspector. Sam Mohawk said: Boeing lost 400 defective parts that - either intentionally or by mistake - could have been installed on new planes. Records of where and how defective components were stored disappeared from internal archives.
On June 18, a hearing was held in the US Senate, at which Boeing CEO David Calhoun spoke and answered questions from congressmen who criticized the corporation for numerous problems with the quality of aircraft. According to media reports, the head of Boeing had to justify himself in the Senate because of his salary of more than $30 million and the concealment of spare parts; he also apologized for problems with flight safety.
Problems with the Boeing 737 MAX became known 5 years ago, the same problems with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, in short, they are all related to the acceleration of aircraft production, a problem with parts from suppliers and savings on wages for engineers, designers and programmers. Boeing said it continues to refine and improve its aircraft manufacturing process, but scandals have plagued the company, which has already impacted its financial performance.
