Newsflash: Covid will end in 17 days!

Well, that is if you still believe the Covid nonsense that tRump has put out in the beginning of the Covid pandemic and is still doing today.

First, he said it was a Democratic hoax. Then he said it would end by summer. Then he said it would "miraculously" disappear after election day. Now, since he has been TOTALLY wrong on Covid to date, maybe the last projection by tRump will be correct. After all, even a "Blind Orange Hog" like tRump can find an acorn every once in a while.

Haven’t you been paying attention, “we’ve turned the corner” with Covid, no matter how one measures it, the numbers are rising, but Trump has told us, don’t get apprehensive because “we’ve turned the corner”
Ironic that whiny lying loons like you believe every lie the PHONY media feeds you. Trump has been proven right almost 100% of the time. The PHONY media record, almost 100% wrong about everything.

Trump declares that he likes air and that air is good!
Phony media and Dutch Uncle's response:[/QUOTE]Awesome.

So when are you going over to another member's house to hurt them? Are you going to beat up or shoot their families too?

[QUOTE="Truth Detector, post: 0"][size=3]Have you messaged me your address yet, you cowardly, dumb miserable lying little cunt? [/size]

Message me your address you despicable lying little cunt.

Is it? IDK, but it's interesting that you are claiming he's black. Do you run around identifying who's "white" and who's "black" a lot?

Yes. I guess I did, didn't I? I just found it peculiar you'd use a pic of a black man with cum on his face in your reference to Yakuda. I apologize for my intrusion. And, you wouldn't want to insult guno, would you?
I have no idea what "asg" stands for and will leave the Trump cum-gobbling to you. BTW, you still have some on your chin. ;)

You're the cum gobbler. It's easy for everyone to see.

Says the Trumpian cocksucker. You've swallowed every lie Trump passes to you. Every single one.

What's racist about Yakuda gobbling cum? Are you claiming Yakuda isn't an equal opportunity cum-gobbler?

Incredible debating skills right? Poor, poor Dutch Uncle. So triggered and so damned stupid. :laugh:
Haven’t you been paying attention, “we’ve turned the corner” with Covid, no matter how one measures it, the numbers are rising, but Trump has told us, don’t get apprehensive because “we’ve turned the corner”

^Dunce still thinks that we need to keep the economy locked down forever.


So when are you going over to another member's house to hurt them? Are you going to beat up or shoot their families too?

When are you going to say something that isn't trolling, a lie or look stupid? Personally, I don't think you are capable of not pathetic, lying or looking stupid. Give it a try sometime you triggered loon.

Yes. I guess I did, didn't I? I just found it peculiar you'd use a pic of a black man with cum on his face in your reference to Yakuda. I apologize for my intrusion. And, you wouldn't want to insult guno, would you?

Are you admitting that you run around defining people by skin-tone?
Have you messaged me your address yet, you cowardly, dumb miserable lying little cunt?

Message me your address you despicable lying little cunt.

When are you going to say something that isn't trolling, a lie or look stupid? Personally, I don't think you are capable of not pathetic, lying or looking stupid. Give it a try sometime you triggered loon.

Why do you need anyone's address if you aren't planning to assault, rape or kill them?

Please name the reason why you'd want someone's address if it wasn't to do them harm.
Why do you need anyone's address if you aren't planning to assault, rape or kill them?

You sad, dumb, pathetic lying loon; it's Florida who is telling me to come see him. So you have a severe reading disorder to match your mental issues and severe case of stupid. Good to know.

Please name the reason why you'd want someone's address if it wasn't to do them harm.

Gee I don't know, you serious mental case, perhaps because THEY are telling me to come see them? Try to be less stupid, pathetic and dishonest. I'm not sure you can.

If Biden wins Covid 19 will disappear and we won't be inundated day in and day out by infection rates and daily deaths reported by the major media.

Can people be that crazy? Trump warned us that Biden would listen to the health experts. How terrible that would be. The healthcare would be under the control of professionals.
You guys see conspiracies everywhere. It must be a scary world for you.
We are heading for a quarter-million deaths. Trump totally fucked the virus up. It will be good to have experts deal with it as a medical problem, not a political/Trump problem.
Can people be that crazy? Trump warned us that Biden would listen to the health experts. How terrible that would be. The healthcare would be under the control of professionals.
You guys see conspiracies everywhere. It must be a scary world for you.
We are heading for a quarter-million deaths. Trump totally fucked the virus up. It will be good to have experts deal with it as a medical problem, not a political/Trump problem.

Sorry Nerdberg but you guys have done nothing but scream about infection rates and deaths as soon as the first infection showed up. Are you now trying to say that never happened. You're a bigger liar than Trump if that is your claim.

The real irony is you seeking to find out the addresses of JPP members then running from saying why you want those addresses.

Have you messaged me your address yet, you cowardly, dumb miserable lying little cunt?
Message me your address you despicable lying little cunt.
The real irony is you seeking to find out the addresses of JPP members then running from saying why you want those addresses.

Dumber still to lie like a mental case when it is perfectly clear the other member is telling people to come to their house. Try to be less stupid, less of a mental case and less dishonest. You don't have to prove what a lying, dumb douchebag you are every damned day. ;)
Can people be that crazy? Trump warned us that Biden would listen to the health experts. How terrible that would be. The healthcare would be under the control of professionals.
You guys see conspiracies everywhere. It must be a scary world for you.
We are heading for a quarter-million deaths. Trump totally fucked the virus up. It will be good to have experts deal with it as a medical problem, not a political/Trump problem.

^Still stuck on moron.

Lie about what? You asked me..

...and I answered (Nope). You are free to search this forum and find where I run around defining people by skin tone.

I apologized for my intrusion. Let it go.
The lie is your denial that you didn't focus upon the man's skin tone instead of the meme message itself.

It's like watching a Trump rally then making the comment "he's white". Kind of odd to only focus on the ski-tone, not the message.

If you want to let it go then stop talking about it much less asking me questions about why you did it.