Into the Night
Verified User
Running against Trumpism is still working.
Trump is not running for any office in the SOTC.
Running against Trumpism is still working.
Republicans do not win statewide elections in CA. PERIOD! The candidates dont matter.
How long ago was he elected? Lets get real!
When the Great California Crash gets here voters have to understand that they played their part in creating it.
he was first elected almost 20 years ago, and may have been the last republican to hold statewide office. be proud.
The fact that the leading (R-Q) opponent opened up an election fraud website before the polls were even closed tells you all that you need to know about the chances he'll win.
we dont let them racist fucks near our government.............other stares should follow.
He is up to something else. he knows he will lose and the whole point is to throw all elections into the right wing cesspool of hate and distrust. This is just another log on the fire they are lighting to burn down America.
The CA election is done. They cheated it just like the 2020 national election, and then some!
...and you're surprised?
No Sir. They got a lock on it. Nightmare scenario if done nationwide.
Cheated elections ≠ Democracy or Constitutional Republic based on the peoples' will.
It was already done nationwide.
It was the first time it threw an election in a way obvious enough they got caught at it.Agreed, can it be stopped from happening again? I do believe that was the 1st time.![]()
Frankly, I don't see how a civil war can be avoided now.I mean, there's always the "fuck 'em" alternative, but that would be a lot of blood and innocent people getting hurt. Realistically.
Well said, my bruvva from a different mother.It was the first time it threw an election in a way obvious enough they got caught at it.
It was also the end of the federal government. The Democrat coup was successful. Biden was installed as a puppet dictator (the real power is his Handlers, whoever they are). The federal government is being converted into in oligarchy. The Constitution of the United States has been discarded by the Democrats.
Frankly, I don't see how a civil war can be avoided now.
If a republic is not re-established, war is sure to result.
If a republic IS re-established, elections are held, and a Republican wins (particularly Trump or DeSantis), war is sure to result.
Biden would not win a valid election. He can't marshal enough supporters to fill a high school gymnasium. The few supporters he does have are loud, obnoxious, and trying to sound a hell of a lot bigger than they really are. Biden has already shown that he is not making decisions. He has several times referred to someone else making decisions for him.
Who? Queen Pelosi (the Wicked Witch of the West)? Obama? Both? I think one or both of them have agents in the White House to tell Biden what to do.
The Wicked Witch of the East (Hillary) is out of the picture now. She's a has-been.
The United States is no more. It no longer exists. The States of America are now each deciding their future course: remain independent, join The Oligarchy, or attempt to reform a new federal republic among themselves?
Both Trump and DeSantis believe the situation can be resolved once States clean up their election laws.
But war has already begun. You can see it in the cities being burned, looted, and pillaged by the thugs of the Democrat party, Antifa and BLM.
It is completely lawless in the city of Portland, OR. There are no police. It is too dangerous to go downtown day or night. It's a war zone.
It is completely lawless in the city of Seattle, WA. The police have mostly quit. It is too dangerous to go downtown especially at night. It's a war zone.
It is completely lawless in the city of San Francisco, SOTC. There are no police. Open looting, open sewers, and filth and disease are everywhere. It is no longer possible to safely run a business there. It is the end result of the effects of Antifa, BLM, homeless, and Democrats.
Los Angles, SOTC is next.
It is effectively a ghost town in downtown New York, SOTNY. Businesses are boarded up, many permanently. Violent crime, particularly by Antifa and BLM have increased over the years.
All of these are fronts in the war.
You have already pointed out what happens when these fucks try to expand their territory into the suburbs and country. Mounting an attack requires a concentrated effort. They simply spread themselves too thin, and people in the suburbs and in the country have kids to defend, homes to defend, cars and other property to defend, and they will do so with lethal means if necessary.
It figure it's only a matter of time before open warfare begins against these fucks in the cities.
The federal government has become rogue. Can it recover? If either side wins, there will be violence over it. War is upon us all, whether we want it or not.
Well said, my bruvva from a different mother.
The bottom line is they cheated that shit and everybody's pissed off.
I don't rely on no "law enforcement" around here. I'm gonna shoot you and deal with it after I survive.
The "law" I know is not my friend.
They're not trying to protect me.
They'd scrape me up after I get killed or like that.
Maybe make a half-ass attempt to find out what happened.
Yeah, I don't like that. Fuck them, I'm shooting assholes 1st and asking questions and calling the "law" later.
They do not do a fucking thing for me. I might just take a carcass to a friend's pig or feed it to bull sharks to avoid all the bullshit.
Police enforce laws. The days of "protect and serve" are gone.
I think they stopped during Bush, but correct me if I'm wrong. OMg..dude!
A guy I grew up with, he's a LEO. I love this dude like a brother.
He has this saying..the motherfucker.
"It doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you broke the law".
And you know what? He ain't bullshittin' ary a bit and God Bless Him!
He is one of my brohams.
year ago, Einstein
Much appreciated.
More and more police are taking the attitude of supporting you (and me) in defending ourselves and our property from these fucks.
They don't want to see war any more than you or I do. They do know, however, which is the law abiding side...and it ain't Antifa, BLM, or Democrats. Police will uphold those that support the Constitution and the law.
As I travel across different States, I hear the same sentiment. People are angry and fed up with these fucks. They know Trump should be in office right now. They know that Trump supported them. The truckers, the ranchers, the farmers, the tractor dealership, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. Trump held them all in high honor. He knows that it was such people that make up the American spirit and made America Great, as he put it.
Who is John Galt?
Well, well, well. Mr. Anal Retentive. Who would have guessed?
2011 was 20 years agi in your inbred book.
The CA election is done. They cheated it just like the 2020 national election, and then some!