Cancel 2018. 3
<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Too stupid to live.
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the coward can't handle discussion
don't go away mad darla, just go away
Too stupid to live.
Ignore Author Button................ACTIVATED!
I won't buy a gun, stupid. No need.
I'm not debating it with you, moron. Enough reasons have been demonstrated why this is a good idea. I hope it catches on. You disagree. Big fat hairy deal. Guess those who feel as you do LOSE in that part of New York.
Why is yurt so interested in people's personal information??? I find him so creepy...
lol, you can't help but lie howey. you flat out claimed you posted your information on JPP
you claim you have nothing to shut up and post your information already
i think darla should be alerted to the fact that if she keeps stalking me and asking me for sexual favors, i will contact the authorities.
FYI - notice is was darla who trolled this thread and added zero value to it. all the lefties will give her a pass though and then whine about righties who allegedly just troll and add zero value.
And yet you're the one demanding another poster post his personal info here.
Yurt the Stalker wants to follow Howie offline.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Then you could pass it around to all your sick, pervy buddies.
Why is yurt so interested in people's personal information??? I find him so creepy...
nope...i simply want him to walk the walk.
um....if he posts it on the board, why would i need to "pass it around"?
lol...what an idiot you are zappa
nope...i simply want him to walk the walk.
pity your hatred clouds your reasoning, just like darla
I'm sure most psychos concoct some such nonsense to tell the cops when they get picked up for stalking.
i've never passed out personal information you ninny.
i see you are going to ignore the thread topic and simply post derisive and insulting bore me
always making it about dear ol' yurt and constantly avoiding actual debate or discussion
are you really claiming i stalked howey?
I am.